I think if you are a good aligned tribe and you go to visit another good aligned tribe you should be safe in their safezone. As long as the leader of that tribe has marked you as a friend. what do you think?
I think if you are a good aligned tribe and you go to visit another good aligned tribe you should be safe in their safezone. As long as the leader of that tribe has marked you as a friend. what do you think?
Planning on linking a long chain of good tribes together across the map?
No Im a homesteader. When I travel across hostile grounds to trade a old saw blade with a fellow homesteader I would sure like it if I dont get killed by someone else while making the trade.
I guess tribes in all their holiness forget Homesteaders have to trade to survive. We didn't get the all inclusive package on this trip.
I believe in preliminary safe zones. But even I have to disagree here.
We need the element of danger when leaving your tribal area. Its pretty much the only content we have atm lol.
Besides, if you are in a friendly tribe's area, most Pkers will not be able to tell if you are from another tribe or not anyway...
That is the most game killing thing i have heard anyone say yet...LETS JUST MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD A SAFE ZONE!~then we will all be bored in a month and quit!
Since homestead areas are small and solo players can't protect their guests on their land this should be an option for homesteads.
I highly disagree, we shouldnt allow safezones anywhere. Its just not realistic and makes the game much more boring and less dangerous.