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  1. #1

    question about homesteads / totems

    so lets say hypothetically that a friend of mine wants to build a bridge to the middle of the lake and build his island there. would he have to put a totem down on the beach and then abandon/recreate a new one once he has built the walkway far enough? is it even possible to terraform the lake in a way to make a land bridge to an island.?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by savageasf View Post
    so lets say hypothetically that a friend of mine wants to build a bridge to the middle of the lake and build his island there. would he have to put a totem down on the beach and then abandon/recreate a new one once he has built the walkway far enough? is it even possible to terraform the lake in a way to make a land bridge to an island.?
    Thats correct, that is how I got a stream to my upper mountain spot.

  3. #3
    6 hour cool down on setting totems is ganna make that diffacult

  4. #4
    channeled water (ie. an artificial moat made by flooding a trench) is not viewed by the game as 'real' you can't drink it, or fish in it.

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