[b]necoo wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]comestible wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]necoo wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]comestible wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]necoo wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]Commissar Gromitovsky wrote:[/b]
[quote]My friend, whilst I am exceedingly grateful for any assistance in this conflict, what you said here today troubles me greatly. This war is not about unnecessary bloodshed. By doing so we are just as guilty as those we are damning. If we allow this group to grow we are increasing the number of lives we must extinguish in order to destroy it. More brothers and sisters will fall in the upcoming conflict should we allow their numbers to grow. We cannot allow that.

Think of it like this my friend. Do you allow a weed to grow in your precious garden? Do you allow this weed to eventually take over your garden, extinguishing the life around it before you act? No my friend you do not. You strike early with extreme precision to rid the garden of this evil. You cannot allow it grow and take over.

I urge you to reconsider your aspiration for this conflict. Whilst your enthusiasm warms me greatly, we must channel this energy into a positive act. We must not become the very evil we are fighting against and we must not allow this evil to grow.[/quote]
your words are clear, and your logic is sound... however don't think we all fight for justice, not all of us seek peace. someday you might find my evil to be far more fearsome then theirs. however for now the enemy of my enemy is my friend as it were... when you strike you will find me not far from the action.[/quote]
We are morally superior to all and condone no acts of evil. Labeling us otherwise only displays your lack of knowledge in all areas that matter.[/quote]

yes yes and im sure that explains the "sword or the book" thing... or perhaps the "pay the price" because we don't join you thing or maybe the light from the "burning of infidels" yes yes im sure you glow with ever loving peace as you attempt to concur the world...[/quote]

Although your need to appear more 'Evil' than others is amusing, you would be more successful in that venture by simply comparing with any other tribe (or tribes as blatantly like minded as that which you subscribe) than trying to slander the one righteous tribe as evil.[/quote]
i care very little weather you are good or evil, i seek not to slander you, and i care not about your ideals... the reason i am agents you is because you are what i hate the most. you speak of peace, when you act in chaos... [/quote]We act only when it is right to do so. How is this in any way chaotic? It is not. We follow tried and true laws and act upon them as necessary.
[quote]you wish not to be slandered, when you yourself sander others... [/quote] If this is in regard to my previous statement I will point out that I never made any request to retract or discontinue your slandering ways. I was merely pointing out the irony in your methods. More importantly, however, is that what you consider us slandering is only a bhyproduct of your shortsightedness and inability to see what we know to be the truth.
[quote]you speak of righteousness, when you are far from it. [/quote]
What would an evil being, as you so like being portrayed, know about righteousness...
If you believe this it shows further that you are ignorant to the truth and all that is right.
[quote]yes what i hate the most is hypocrisy, and you, my kind sir, are a hypocrite, that is why i condemn you, and that is why i shall let your soul be damned.[/quote]
If your reason is hypocrisy then there is, as I have just shown, a great deal of misguidance in your intentions. However, despite your coming to such a conclusion based on faulty process, we welcome your decision anyway; such willing ignorance is an inevitability and exactly why we exist.