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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    all we've ever wanted.

    the more you try to code a solution the more vulnerable you are to a coded problem.

    Let the players loose. If you can hold it? great.
    If you can't? retreat, set up shop in a more defensible/less desirable/more remote location...lick your wounds then come back and take back what was yours.

    The more we try to 'code' fair, the less fair the whole process is.
    Seems like the more they 'code' fair the more it benefits the solo players

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorakin View Post
    Seems like the more they 'code' fair the more it benefits the solo players
    So let me get this right...

    A tribe with 20+ members, all able to work together to build, create things for eachother, fight alongside eachother etc and a large area of land.


    A solo player, needing to fend for themselves, build everything themselves, make/earn eevrything themselves on a tiny little plot of land, made even tinier recently.

    And youre crying about how "hard" it is for tribes.

    <3 the tears.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kaisergod View Post
    So let me get this right...

    A tribe with 20+ members, all able to work together to build, create things for eachother, fight alongside eachother etc and a large area of land.


    A solo player, needing to fend for themselves, build everything themselves, make/earn eevrything themselves on a tiny little plot of land, made even tinier recently.

    And youre crying about how "hard" it is for tribes.

    <3 the tears.
    There is talk of being unable to harvest while encroaching (coding it fair), who has the benefit? The large tribe who has so much invested in infrastructure they can't move or the solo player who just dumps his totem wherever his current needs of resources are?

    The landgrab and tribes needing a clear 220m radius, oh wait someone ran in and dropped a homestead 200m away I guess you can't have your tribe here anymore sorry. I guess the Exalted Empire of the Noble Eagles (hope thats not a real tribe name) will have to look elsewhere because "LOLUHAVEAIDS" wanted his totem in the middle of that junk pile.

    If someone gets attacked and they run to their tribe/homestead... both are protected equally right now. So much for "fending" for themselves.

    Oh and when they run out of resources? Guess who can pick up shop and go elsewhere? that's right, the solo player.

    As a per player resource claim, the homestead is more efficient than any one tribe. 1player, 30m radius (20m now?) even with the lower estimate of 20m, if that puts tribes with 20 people, the bare minimum at 220m.... which is equal to 11 homesteads. Sorry tribes, solo wins again!

    Until there is siege... until there are no safe zones... until there is a meaningful reason to be in a tribe the homestead wins on every front. And all this is because siege and defense is not in yet, so they had to protect people and "coded it fair". Well everyone is protected, but the soloers are taking this game to the bank.

    **edit** I even forgot about the homestead's radius, so forget 200m away, that homestead could've been dropped 230m away, your tribe is still screwed.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorakin View Post
    There is talk of being unable to harvest while encroaching (coding it fair), who has the benefit? The large tribe who has so much invested in infrastructure they can't move or the solo player who just dumps his totem wherever his current needs of resources are?

    The landgrab and tribes needing a clear 220m radius, oh wait someone ran in and dropped a homestead 200m away I guess you can't have your tribe here anymore sorry. I guess the Exalted Empire of the Noble Eagles (hope thats not a real tribe name) will have to look elsewhere because "LOLUHAVEAIDS" wanted his totem in the middle of that junk pile.

    If someone gets attacked and they run to their tribe/homestead... both are protected equally right now. So much for "fending" for themselves.

    Oh and when they run out of resources? Guess who can pick up shop and go elsewhere? that's right, the solo player.

    As a per player resource claim, the homestead is more efficient than any one tribe. 1player, 30m radius (20m now?) even with the lower estimate of 20m, if that puts tribes with 20 people, the bare minimum at 220m.... which is equal to 11 homesteads. Sorry tribes, solo wins again!

    Until there is siege... until there are no safe zones... until there is a meaningful reason to be in a tribe the homestead wins on every front. And all this is because siege and defense is not in yet, so they had to protect people and "coded it fair". Well everyone is protected, but the soloers are taking this game to the bank.

    **edit** I even forgot about the homestead's radius, so forget 200m away, that homestead could've been dropped 230m away, your tribe is still screwed.
    Much of what youre saying is true, but the fact is its exactly the same in real life too. Which is more mobile and less dependant on resources, an entire established village or single person/small family who can move from place to place as needed?

    Of course the larger group isnt as mobile and needs more resources, but you have NUMBERS. What do succesful tribes in real life have, which has allowed them to survive and grow into something larger? Is everyone a crafter? Is everyone a warrior? Is everyone a food gatherer? No. Its called specialization.

    It may suck to have to do it, but the truth is in order to be truly succesful youre going to need to force your tribe members to be specialists, even if the work theyre doing sucks. Some will need to spend time terraforming, others fighting, others hunting animals & fishing, some gathering junk, some collecting wood, etc. So when you run out of resources youre going to need to make great use of everyones specializations.

    No junk piles anywhere near you left? Well youre going to have to use your numbers to organize parties to go out and gather some junk further away along with some bodyguards for them so they dont get killed and robbed in the process.

    Solo players however will not be able to specialize nearly as well. We will need to find a way to do everything for ourselves, with no backup. Out gathering junk? Youre your own bodyguard.

    Alos when it comes to resources, youre kind of avoiding the fact that your tribe, with it smuch much larger land area has a HELL of a lot more resources within the safe zone than any soloer/homesteader can ever dream of getting in safety. And even if you do manage to deplete those, then like i said, youve got the numbers so use them. If your enot going to work together an duse your numbers as an advantage, why are you even in tribes?

  5. #5
    Just because people are not in a tribe doesn't mean they can't trade for anything that they lack. When you add trading into the mix the only thing "NUMBERS" does for you is gives you protection... which with safe zones and no warfare again is borderline pointless. I agree that numbers in real life has an advantage, I am saying that the current "coding it fair" idea which was mentioned in my original quote really does favor solo players.

    A few decisions have been made showing that the "coding it fair" idea lives on with the devs. Leaving safe zones in. Not leaving tribe overlap in. Not splitting the servers, and keeping the "Peace" direction. Letting homesteads get created today instead of just clans/tribes/etc.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorakin View Post
    Just because people are not in a tribe doesn't mean they can't trade for anything that they lack. When you add trading into the mix the only thing "NUMBERS" does for you is gives you protection... which with safe zones and no warfare again is borderline pointless. I agree that numbers in real life has an advantage, I am saying that the current "coding it fair" idea which was mentioned in my original quote really does favor solo players.

    A few decisions have been made showing that the "coding it fair" idea lives on with the devs. Leaving safe zones in. Not leaving tribe overlap in. Not splitting the servers, and keeping the "Peace" direction. Letting homesteads get created today instead of just clans/tribes/etc.
    Yes i know they can trade, but again, youre missing the point. WHO are they trading with? It is going to be much more difficult for soloers than it is for tribes who are already working together and contributing to help eachother with supplies, tools, etc.

    Yes i know thats a decision we make when we choose to play solo, but you were talking about all this stuff being done to only benefit soloers, when tribes already have many advantages over soloers. Im not saying it should be as easy for a soloer as it is for a tribe, i dont expect it to be, but you and others like you basically shit on soloers/homesteaders and feel as if since we're not in a tribe we have no rights whatsoever and shouldnt even be given a fair chance to play the game.

    As for your 2nd paragraph.... hate to break it to you, but several of those decisions were not made because of soloers. I wanted the War server rules myself as a soloer. But even on War server, what were the rules? Safezones are in UNTIL defense mechanics are put into the game. Both servers would have bee 100% identical at the start, and the only differences coming later on when safezones were removed and we are able to build protection for our land. The decision to do 1 server and keep the Peace rules (consentual warfare later down the road) was because of carebear TRIBES who want to be permanently safe until they feel they are sure they can win rather than being at risk of being attacked unexpectedly.

    The overlap thing, i agree with you, they should have kept that. But the land grab today for clans/tribes only... again thats only insisiting you get special benefits "because im in a tribe" and screwing any soloers out of any oppurtunity to get just as good of a spot as you. It sucks that it works out the way it does because they removed the overlap, and because things arent conquerable right now.... but hey guess what, it works both ways. I love fighting against the odds and taking down much larger groups of people. Am i able to as a soloer, go into a clan or tribes land and fight off everyone protecting it, destroy all their stuff and claim it as my own? Nope. Or amybe sneak in late at night while everyone sleeping and burn down their buildings? Nope. I would love the ability to do that, just as much as you would like to go as a tribe to take out soloers blocking your progress. Neither side really wins, we both benefit and we both lose out in other aspects. It is not only soloers getting a benefit.

  7. #7
    honestly if you're a solo player minding your own business you shoudl be off the radar for even the most grief minded tribes.

    unless you're sitting on a nice resource plot or on some strategic position...and if that's the case, what would you think would happen?

    and yes, seiges should take hours.

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