I don't think anyone is expecting ALL the features to be functioning at this point. A couple of features or even one maybe...at least something more than the seeming stagnation of progress since opening for placement of totems. In lieu of any 'progress' a bit more detail in the way the search for the problem is going would suffice to placate the vast majority of the players. In any field of endeavor a 'lack of progress' without any stated strategy for correction or improvement is unacceptable to most...be they customers, superiors, underlings, whatever.

In the absence of steady progress a simple specific statement from the devs of the direction of their efforts would go a long way toward chilling everyone out and maintaining all of our support. A fuzzy "we are looking for the cause of lag" leads to nothing but frustration for many (myself included). Kudos to those faithful enough to sit patiently and wait with no improvement or info...seriously. Just accept the fact that such a nebulous situation does not sit well with the rest of us...here or anywhere else for that matter.

For those of you so quick to flame community members for voicing their frustration with what is obviously a very flawed situation, how about showing them the same patience and courtesy you're willing to bestow on the devs?