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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon View Post
    They arent any more important to a tribe than trees.....wont see much built without now those without trees need satisfaction as well. With the way things are constantly changing in this game...who is to say that junk piles wont become permanent? If enough "outcry" comes for it.....the pattern here is, they will become permanent. Not enough animals....spawn more.....I guess in the end, it doesnt matter...things will be as they will be....

    <-----thats my lip...not my tongue
    Oh well, clearly you are just not very good at pretending your feelings are hurt!

    I promise, I will join the great anti-junk pile outcry if there is a movement among players to make the things permanent. I'm not going to be at all sad to see them replaced with other things!

  2. #2
    Meeez just wantz to playz the game. No more magical patch to save the day plz. People will have to stop whining about other players having more stuff then they do or then they should go back to play solo games. Life is unfair and so are MMORPGs. Thats what I tell my poker buddies`Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. If you are not willing to loose dont play the game.

    Just saying I wished they would have done all the required fixes to turn stuff on rather that copy and paste more junkyards. Any unnecessary delays to this game being fully turned on is a PAIN to ALL players. Not enough Junkyard for all, was a pain to a FEW players.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Koll View Post
    Meeez just wantz to playz the game. No more magical patch to save the day plz. People will have to stop whining about other players having more stuff then they do or then they should go back to play solo games. Life is unfair and so are MMORPGs. Thats what I tell my poker buddies`Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. If you are not willing to loose dont play the game.

    Just saying I wished they would have done all the required fixes to turn stuff on rather that copy and paste more junkyards. Any unnecessary delays to this game being fully turned on is a PAIN to ALL players. Not enough Junkyard for all, was a pain to a FEW players.
    Flawed analogy. Good luck getting your poker buddies to buy in for the same amount as the guy at the table next to them, then to each only get 1/4 the number of chips to play with.

    As I tell my poker buddies, you gotta know the difference between a bad run and a bad leak in your game.

  4. #4
    Keep in mind that there are probably far more players on this server than he originally intended. Therefore more resources were needed to accommodate them.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mystais View Post
    Keep in mind that there are probably far more players on this server than he originally intended. Therefore more resources were needed to accommodate them.
    This actually does make sense to me. Also I really doubt the basic resources from junk piles where suppose to be scares. I only wished they where spread out more. You find HUGE areas around the lake covered with junk, yet away from the lake you hardly find any.

  6. #6
    If you look at the map that was uploaded recently, you'll notice that the junkpiles line up fairly closely with the towns that used to be there. It's just an attempt to add realism to the layout.

  7. #7
    There seemed to be plenty of junk around, a lot of it unclaimed too. Adding even more at this point seems unnecessary.

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