Quote Originally Posted by Kietharr View Post
More resources means less conflict over resources and that means less incentive for PvP. I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't pay for the game with the intention of playing a shittier version of Minecraft.
Welcome to This is NOT darkfall or Mortal Online.

One day you people will get a clue and figure that out

Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
There seemed to be plenty of junk around, a lot of it unclaimed too. Adding even more at this point seems unnecessary.
There is, but the problem is big guilds need like 450 meters of open space to even put down a totem, and the smaller tribes and homesteads all over the place makes that pretty hard to get in any kind of place that has basic need stuff. That is a ginormous area you need..

I feel bad for any non-preorder big tribes heh