PvP isn't a feature, it's the byproduct of a well made sandbox. Anyone who follows around indie games that advertise PvP as a feature will either wind up in a consensual PvP arena, or a game so completely devoid of every element of good gameplay that PvP is the only thing to do. In either case, there is no conflict, no reason for fighting, just a shallow gameplay experience identical in spirit to playing Call of Duty on an XBOX.

There are such people buzzing around practically every game out there, this one included. But if you're being called a carebear, and feel comfortable in the camp of players who just want to craft all day, try not to lump everyone who sees PvP as a means to creating a richer, deeper gaming experience into a pile with all the same sorts you associate with spawn camping and griefing all day. A sandbox is not a sandbox with artificial restrictions, and that goes both for combat and non-combat activities. If a game allows you to be spawn-camped and griefed, it is not a problem of lack of safezones or other restrictions, but lack of tools for you to deal with it. PvP is just a tool players can use to solve a certain set of problems, just as a shovel is a tool for solving the problem of uneven terrain for placing your stupid chief tent. Don't look at it as anything else, and certainly not as a threat to sandbox environments. It's quite the opposite.