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  1. #1

    Non Violent forms of PVP

    1. Eco Terrorism - Cut down and haul off all the trees surrounding the enemy.

    2. Totem Terrorism - Accept all the quests on the totem pole.

    3. Homestead Terrorism - Use multiple homesteads to surround and wall in an enemy with terraforming.

    Who can think of more ways to hurt people without actually hurting them?

  2. 03-14-2011, 09:24 AM

  3. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Saorlan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Animal Crackers
    Do caca near their totem.

  4. #3
    If they are a terrible zerg recruiting clan (you know who you are, terrible zerg recruiting clans), you could join and then terraform their area to look like a giant schlong while they sleep?

  5. #4
    You should give us some examples of these zerg clans.

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    1. Eco Terrorism - Cut down and haul off all the trees surrounding the enemy.

    2. Totem Terrorism - Accept all the quests on the totem pole.

    3. Homestead Terrorism - Use multiple homesteads to surround and wall in an enemy with terraforming.

    Who can think of more ways to hurt people without actually hurting them?
    We have thought of all those things before unfortunatly all of them are against TOS and can be percieved as harrasment ^^ not that we care

  7. #6
    Jump wouldnt the game need enough people to form a Zerg, to actually have a zerg like tribe? I mean theres like 10 people on the server atm lulz. Zerg Patching clan?

  8. #7
    3rd one not gonna work.

    1,2 pretty funny

  9. #8
    I see 2 and 3 could be considered violation of TOS unless you declare war then 3 would be ok. 2 Is just plain Dickish.

  10. #9
    4. Psychological - Make fun of there Tiny E-Peens and make them Roid Rage, While Displaying Your Own Immense, Oversized, Godzilla Like E-Peen.

  11. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by d3m0nd0 View Post
    . Zerg Patching clan?
    I lol'd at this.

    And also your sig... did you know that is our official clan website?

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