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  1. #221
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    I can assure you that I'm quite intelligent, bro. And all this "conjecture and hypotheticals" actually = experience seeing how things play out in a PVP game and the ability to predict the practical consequences of suggested gameplay mechanics. I think you're going to be surprised at the dev's unwillingness to drive away thousands of paying customers by creating ubiquitous happy safe-zone mechanics that only a few players want, and which would ultimately even make the most hardcore crafters numb with boredom.

    This game has the potential to be very interesting, and we're trying to keep it that way. Thanks for playing.
    Anyone who puts "All up in yo grillz" as a location is not, by definition, very intelligent. You may think you are, but your comments show differently.

    Please don't try to profess game theory to me. I will beat you with many years of experience every time. It's quite funny when trolls like yourself try to act all serious and intelligent. I mean look at your sig, it's really funny in the sense that you made it so you could look tough and leet. But listen here fool, it is just a game.

    Perhaps you would like to educate yourself before you make the "only a few people want" comment. More people want safe zones than not. Do you understand that? Or is your numbering system unique to your own little fantasy world? Safe zones are in the game already. Thanks for being dumb.

  2. #222
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Ever heard of an ironic comment before? I don't even listen to rap. My sig, like many sigs, is all part of the fun. You see the sig text above and below? It includes a silly joke and a freaking Kefka reference. I'm here to have fun.

    I find it funny when someone who either can't support his position via debate, or who doesn't realize he's chosen the wrong position, resorts to childish name-calling while professing his own maturity and intelligence.

    I never said there are no safe zones or that players don't want safe zones. Please look up the word "ubiquitous". I think you'll find that not only does the game currently lack ubiquitous safe-zone mechanics, but with the advent of sieging and war they're planning on scaling back the safe-zone mechanics that already exist. And that, friend, is what most people want, rather than an increase in safe-zone security.

    You're going to be disappointed if you're expecting more, rather than less, safety and invulnerability in this game.

  3. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    If you can imprison trespassers then Evil tribes should be able to take you as slaves out in the wilds. I've played a game with kidnapping, and most people have a shit fit when it happens. I however enjoyed anytime I was captured because I would usually escape or see it as a roleplay opportunity. I quit playing because I found out the admins were releasing my prisoners minutes after being captured if they cried. I always assumed they were cheating, but the designers were marketing a product for "hardcore gamers" and catering to the carebears. Now that playerbase has all but vanished because of this. We need to find a good solid medium ground so that things like that don't happen over here.
    As long as the max time was not too long, I would find this pretty funny myself. I could try out my Igor impressions. Yeth marthar. *Shuffles off at a walk* But this game doesn't have an NC17 rating. I don't think anyone wants to deal with the mother of a 13 year old taken captive by some of the more obscenely creative players wandering around in game. Come to think about it, 13 year olds are often also obscenely creative and shouldn't be allowed to take captives, either!

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Ever heard of an ironic comment before? I don't even listen to rap. My sig, like many sigs, is all part of the fun. You see the sig text above and below? It includes a silly joke and a freaking Kefka reference. I'm here to have fun.

    I find it funny when someone who either can't support his position via debate, or who doesn't realize he's chosen the wrong position, resorts to childish name-calling while professing his own maturity and intelligence.

    I never said there are no safe zones or that players don't want safe zones. Please look up the word "ubiquitous". I think you'll find that not only does the game currently lack ubiquitous safe-zone mechanics, but with the advent of sieging and war they're planning on scaling back the safe-zone mechanics that already exist. And that, friend, is what most people want, rather than an increase in safe-zone security.

    You're going to be disappointed if you're expecting more, rather than less, safety and invulnerability in this game.
    Ahh the irony defense. I'm having fun too. I can resort to calling you as I see it. You don't see it, because you surround yourself with the same type of people. You can claim your sig is tongue in cheek, but we all know differently. You just want attention.

    I can support any of my arguements, but I resort to call it like it is sometimes. I followed a few arguments you have been involved with, and had to bite my tongue a number of times because I just assumed you were a troll. I was right. Now if you want to get all hurt feeling about it, my question to you is who is the carebear now?

    By the way, I am not expecting, hoping, or making predictions for anything from this game. I am not trying to change it. I like it, and I play it. It is just a game. It will evolve, while you most likely will not. I know for sure, if they do add more safety mechanisms, that you and the rest of the disease trolls will be the loudest and most emo of all the people in here.

  5. #225
    Hmm... so if I say something like "player's not GMs should police the server" that means "I want to be able to grief you till you rage quit with nothing ever happening to me."

    Is that how you guys are reading this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenmaster13 View Post
    Ahh the irony defense. I'm having fun too. I can resort to calling you as I see it. You don't see it, because you surround yourself with the same type of people. You can claim your sig is tongue in cheek, but we all know differently. You just want attention.

    I can support any of my arguements, but I resort to call it like it is sometimes. I followed a few arguments you have been involved with, and had to bite my tongue a number of times because I just assumed you were a troll. I was right. Now if you want to get all hurt feeling about it, my question to you is who is the carebear now?

    By the way, I am not expecting, hoping, or making predictions for anything from this game. I am not trying to change it. I like it, and I play it. It is just a game. It will evolve, while you most likely will not. I know for sure, if they do add more safety mechanisms, that you and the rest of the disease trolls will be the loudest and most emo of all the people in here.

    You've found us out. Our sigs are to scare you. Take them seriously. Also we seriously all thing VD stands for different names. Really.

  6. #226
    Xsyon Citizen
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    "Calling it like it is"? (This is shorthand for "personal insults are teh win", right?)

    Ok. I guess if you're calling the shots I'll try to play along. You are short-sighted, can't think things through to their practical consequences, can't take a joke, take yourself way too seriously. Self-assured, self-righteous, and utterly deluded as to what will make this game fun over the long term. Vastly over-estimate your own intelligence. Dish insulting personal comments as a substitute for making helpful suggestions or laying out an attractive and coherent vision of what the gameplay should be like. And obviously, REAL fun at parties.

    Once again, I suspect you'll be disappointed when you find that the game isn't turning out to be quite so cuddly and boring as you thought.

  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    "Calling it like it is"? (This is shorthand for "personal insults are teh win", right?)

    Ok. I guess if you're calling the shots I'll try to play along. You are short-sighted, can't think things through to their practical consequences, can't take a joke, take yourself way too seriously. Self-assured, self-righteous, and utterly deluded as to what will make this game fun over the long term. Vastly over-estimate your own intelligence. Dish insulting personal comments as a substitute for making helpful suggestions or laying out an attractive and coherent vision of what the gameplay should be like. And obviously, REAL fun at parties.

    Once again, I suspect you'll be disappointed when you find that the game isn't turning out to be quite so cuddly and boring as you thought.
    See, I knew you would resort to leet speak. Man you are so predictable.

    Conjecture much? You make many assumptions, but have zero to back it up. Clearly you know what I think, I mean it is all there in your statements. I suspect you will be disappointed when you can't have an all out grief fest.

    Again, please don't tell me what I think of this game. I have already stated how I feel about it, but in your blind leet ignorance, you passed over that.

    You guys must be super sensitive. I hope no RPing carebear kills your char, because honestly, I don't think the community could stand more emo-griefers tears. You have already filled the lake.

    And to Mr. Pipedream above you. Have you ever played a MMORPG where players actually police the game? I highly doubt it, considering most people want to play and have fun, not go around keeping griefers in check. Get your head out of your ass

  8. #228
    yes I have. It is clear you have not had the chance.

  9. #229
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Lol nothing you say makes sense. Leet speak? "Emo griefer tears"? Try for a coherent thought instead of unhinged invective.

    And yea, we've played MMOs where players police the game.. as a matter of fact, VD has repeatedly been insulted as the "server police" by people who didn't like getting stomped in retaliation for their lameness.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by Vicid View Post
    yes I have. It is clear you have not had the chance.
    Please back that up. Which game do you speak of? I have had many chances, don't assume anything, it just makes you look even more dumb, and does nothing to hurt me or enrage me. I am laughing at you VDs the whole time. I just came in here to help the other person "whom I don't know btw", that you guys were ganging up on with your emo-grief logic. He was speaking of a hypothetical punishment system for griefers, and none of your arguments really discounted what he was saying. You just didn't get it. But it was a very good device to find out who some of the emo-griefers are. You came in here all defensive. Very funny stuff. See what I am doing here is called "non'violent" PVP. It is what the thread is about. I'm just playing you fools.

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