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  1. #111
    People will report things that they find as a method of griefing. After that it will be up to the developers to decide if they want it to be in game or not. Its not up to the players (any type) to define what is considered as griefing in the game.

  2. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by r4NGe View Post
    Stop saying "they".
    Why? Am I wrong in thinking that most players of a game will cease to play that game when the game is no longer enjoyable for them?

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    Why? Am I wrong in thinking that most players of a game will cease to play that game when the game is no longer enjoyable for them?
    When they realize they are in a game that isn't designed for their playstyle, and go back to WoW you mean?

  4. #114
    Xsyon Citizen
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    No, you're wrong in thinking people will have such thin skins and quit at the drop of a hat after someone kills them without permission. And in fact, many people will find the experience to be a pleasant introduction to a playstyle that is new and interesting to them.

    People who think like you will find themselves in the minority. Book it.

  5. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    Why? Am I wrong in thinking that most players of a game will cease to play that game when the game is no longer enjoyable for them?
    It is obvious you are talking about yourself.

  6. #116

    Good reading, especially points made by the game developers.

  7. #117
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Can you give a Cliff's Notes of its relevance to this thread or any of the arguments made herein? Otherwise it's just a distraction.

  8. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Can you give a Cliff's Notes of its relevance to this thread or any of the arguments made herein?
    lol no, read it. 100% relevant as all points made and raised here have already been raised and discussed. With developer input.

  9. #119
    Here's where i'm forced to forcibly bash forhead to desk.

    There are all these tears about being forced to engage in pvp...but that IS THE DEVS VISION:

    11.) Will there be PvP?

    Yes, the game is open PVP with consequences and a sparring / training combat mode. In the early Prelude towns will be safe zones.
    open pvp...outside of your mud hut it's a dangerous place.

    i mean it's in the faq. you're buying into a game, where outside of your little area, you can have your head smashed in.

    Anybody who has bought this game, has to at least have a semblance of suspicion that there are likely to be some not nice people running around.

    So what is it you hope to turn Xsyon into with the ability to drive out the players who don't want to pvp with you, or don't want to pvp the way you want to pvp, or don't want to pvp as often as you do?
    We don't want to turn xsyon into something that isn't already stated in teh design. We WANT the game the devs said they want to build.
    The players of the Prelude begin as scavengers, hunters and gatherers. By uniting as clans and building towns, they will cultivate civilizations, establish trade, forge alliances and develop enmities. They lay the foundations for future generations of Xsyon dwellers.
    We're going to build
    we're going to craft
    We're going to seek to spread and expand our influence through assisting or resisting other entities.
    We are going to protect that which we claim, and thus consider ours.

    That is the game we intend to play. If you don't like it. Well, sorry.

  10. #120
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    lol no, read it. 100% relevant as all points made and raised here have already been raised and discussed. With developer input.
    In other words, it doesn't support whatever arguments and conclusions you have been making here.

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