Hi Xsyonians,

I've been browsing the board and seen that most of the threads are very specific about the location. I guess the only specificity I can imply is... "greetings from America." I've lived in 34 locations in the US, currently residing in New York. It's possible I'm the most traveled American here, in terms of places lived.

I was born in Denver, Colorado, moved from there to Missouri, to Texas, to North Carolina, to South Carolina, to Georgia, back to Missouri, to Wisconsin, to Tennessee, to Virginia, back to Tennessee, back to Georgia, back to Tennesse, and then to New York, all with multiple locations in each. In a few days, I'll be moving to Florida.

I suppose I just like to experience a lot of places, hating to be tied down to one place, but on the other hand, a lot of the moves have been out of obligation, not to mention my military family childhood that contributed as well.

In either case, I'm a peaceful player, for the most part, and I'm a graphic artist. That pretty much sums me up in a sentence. Glad to meet everyone.
