so i saw umberto, thunderthighs, keno, possibly korvos, lob legend, and some others on here.
who else played df?
also its hilarious that so many df forumfallers are on here and there is NO shit talking or epeen posturing. wonder if that will change or will this game be more for fun than hardcore.
also is the DDT people talk about on here Lady DDT from df? and if so, sup bro its Vagrant Apollo from DF.
[b]Vagrant wrote:[/b]
[quote]so i saw umberto, thunderthighs, keno, possibly korvos, lob legend, and some others on here.
who else played df?
also its hilarious that so many df forumfallers are on here and there is NO shit talking or epeen posturing. wonder if that will change or will this game be more for fun than hardcore.
also is the DDT people talk about on here Lady DDT from df? and if so, sup bro its Vagrant Apollo from DF.
[b]Vagrant wrote:[/b]
[quote]so i saw umberto, thunderthighs, keno, possibly korvos, lob legend, and some others on here.
who else played df?
also its hilarious that so many df forumfallers are on here and there is NO shit talking or epeen posturing. wonder if that will change or will this game be more for fun than hardcore.
also is the DDT people talk about on here Lady DDT from df? and if so, sup bro its Vagrant Apollo from DF.
get behind my shield yo ... its negro[/quote]
Yes, its the same DDT from DF, Lady DDT on NA, and Dr DDT from EU.
NOT Dr DDT on NA. Just wanted to make that clear =P
Ive seen a few guys stop in vent and chat up a bit. Saw some old BKS people like OgreSK also.
[b]Vagrant wrote:[/b]
[quote]so i saw umberto, thunderthighs, keno, possibly korvos, lob legend, and some others on here.
who else played df?
also its hilarious that so many df forumfallers are on here and there is NO shit talking or epeen posturing. wonder if that will change or will this game be more for fun than hardcore.
also is the DDT people talk about on here Lady DDT from df? and if so, sup bro its Vagrant Apollo from DF.
get behind my shield yo ... its negro[/quote]
You don't know that van/rhade are playing? This is piddle btw, I already preorderd.
alot of us are waiting on boldric or umbert to get in and give us the goahead.
as a clarification... I LEFT APOLLO AND JOINED Black shields like a week into NA server.... the name is like a drunken prep's trampstamp.
keno, u mean bks vent? they let u in there? lol
also i cant im in the worst class of my life .. .teacher is so stupid and trying to teach us how to teach...... its a grad class for secondary education and this guy is a tool....