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  1. #1

    Link between forum problems and lag

    I am starting to notice a trend which I thought had been resolved.

    Whenever there is lag in game, the forums become unobtainable. When lag lifts from game the forums are responsive again.

    I thought I read that the web server and game server were seperated, it that actually the case? If not it is a really bad idea to host both on the same server...

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Mijeman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Lockport, New York, USA --> Miami, FL, USA
    It couldn't possibly be because the lagged users get frustrated, leave the game, then come here to complain, could it? Naaaah. Seems too likely. That can't possibly be it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mijeman View Post
    It couldn't possibly be because the lagged users get frustrated, leave the game, then come here to complain, could it? Naaaah. Seems too likely. That can't possibly be it.
    the 400 people on the forums shouldn't overload it, if the servers are separated.

  4. #4
    Might be on separate servers but share Account Server between them. No idea how it's actually setup in this situation but the account info is definitely shared.

  5. #5
    Devs post all your server logs up for us to go through im sure some of us here could come up with a few decent suggestions

    just block out any sesitive info

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    I am starting to notice a trend which I thought had been resolved.

    Whenever there is lag in game, the forums become unobtainable. When lag lifts from game the forums are responsive again.

    I thought I read that the web server and game server were seperated, it that actually the case? If not it is a really bad idea to host both on the same server...
    maybe webserver and gameserver on same machine? if so, its kind of ridiculous

  7. #7
    Dev's won't reply, there are too few of them to keep us informed. They only post after the issue has been solved, which is in between problems, never actually communicating on current issues where it matters. Not everyone uses IRC.

    Yes the forum downtime seems to be connected to the server, which is annoying as if we can't communicate a problem to the devs they can't fix it. Personally I don't think this game will go far. As brilliant an idea as it is, it just has too few man power and too little capital thrown at it.

  8. #8
    I used to be of the thought that they don't need us to help solve problems, as they know more about what they're doing than we do.

    Although now I just don't know anymore.

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