Originally Posted by
Atmos.. we've been playing for months. The least they had to do was save the game so when they did turn shit on we wouldn't be out time. I don't blame people for not wanting to play a stable game. I had some guildmates that took off work to get a jumpstart and to get some things done. For what now.. none of it counted.. not only that they wont have the time to re-do the work.. no biggie I guess but it is when you are not certain if the same thing will just keep happening. People are loosing faith quickly.
I'd also like to point out if you get refunded your money your Totem isn't deleted as your account is merely "paused." I guess they are hoping you come back later. this could be good but is probably bad. Maybe there is a timer for it to "fall" but I have never read anything like this.
I'm blah at the whole situation. I wish I could talk people into staying but I don't blame them.. I want to leave myself.. the problem is I'm not sure where I would go.. back to DF, Start a character in wow and see what all I have been missing (roll eyes back) Play rift again or resub an old Ultima account....
the problem is none of those appeal to me right now.
I just want to build a small area to store some stuff in a grass basket.. and run around with friends killing all of you.