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Thread: Zerging?

  1. #1


    I've been keeping to myself and just talking in ts5/tribe but it's just getting annoying. When a guild does an open recruitment they're automatically called a noob Zerg guild by trolls that think they're an elitist in a Indie game. Do you trolls know what zerging is?

    If not here's some Def's I got from wiki and other sources.

    "In video games, rushing is analogous to the human wave attack in real-world ground warfare, in which speed and surprise are used to overwhelm and/or cripple an enemy before they achieve effective buildups of sizable defensive and/or expansionist capabilities."

    "This also has a different meaning in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and competitive online role-playing games (CORPGs), where characters frequently deploy summoned creatures (pets) for use in mob control tactics known as Mob Control, sapping tactics known as Minion Bombing, or use of tactics that involve repeatedly throwing themselves (dying and reviving) at the enemy."

    "Nowadays term zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging"

    "To assure ones victory using overwhelming numbers."

    "To greatly outnumber the enemy, and swarm them. "

    Tribes that were made to trade and craft has plenty of players but were called Zergers. This made no sense, Zerging is to destroy something with massive waves of players, but Crafters and Traders are PvE type players that don't pvp much so what makes them a zerg group?

    There's another thing you wannabe pvp elitist players should know. In all mmo's you can only have 6 players in 1 group. If you have 7 or more players you are zerging so if your tribe or w.e has 7+ you're a zerger and you have no right to call anybody else a zerging scrub.

    So before you start trashing talking and insulting players for open recruitment take a look at your roster and see how many players you have.

    That is all thx for reading.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Thraz View Post
    "Nowadays term zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging"

    "To assure ones victory using overwhelming numbers."

    "To greatly outnumber the enemy, and swarm them. "

    There's another thing you wannabe pvp elitist players should know. In all mmo's you can only have 6 players in 1 group. If you have 7 or more players you are zerging so if your tribe or w.e has 7+ you're a zerger and you have no right to call anybody else a zerging scrub.

    So before you start trashing talking and insulting players for open recruitment take a look at your roster and see how many players you have.

    That is all thx for reading.

    You were listening to trolls talk about non pvp guilds with large numbers. Okay. Why were you listening to trolls in the first place?

    The definitions I quoted from your OP are the current most commonly accepted ones.

    The last part I quoted is you saying that more than 6 players in a group is a zerg. That makes no sense and doesn't fit with the definitions of zerg at all. Zergs are about overwhelming numbers compared to your opponents. Where does this 6 is the original number for a party so 7 is a zerg part fit in anywhere? Sorry, but that just hurts my head!

  3. #3
    Uhm it's hard to ignore it when the chat is sitting there and especially when I'm just picking up grass and stacking it.

    In Warhammer and WoW a group of 7 or more players were called zergers because they usually jump on 1-2 person and run away when more enemy show up. Also in most mmo's 5-6 is the max amount of players you can have in a group unless you form a warband. You would have to play the games I play to understand this it's not confusing at all.

  4. #4
    Yeah, evidently any recruitment that isn't of someone elses benefit is looked down upon and will end up with certain people complaining all over chat. Funny thing is, when you see anyone else say "hello! Im new here" Those same people jump into recruitment mode. I'd chalk it up to idiocy Thraz. Wouldn't pay much attention to it.

  5. #5
    We have 30, we are not the largest zerg- but give us time!

  6. #6
    I find it funny how these "elitist" players think they know what zerging is and can judge a guild because they're openly recruiting.

    Wanna see zerging?
    Back when I was a lowbie in Warhammer Online I picked out little zerglings 1 by 1 while they were running to The Maw to siege out city

  7. #7
    My opinion on zerging: I hate it.

    Whose responsibility is it to see that zerging isn't the be-all-end-all effective tactic in tribe vs tribe warfare, where more than what you carry on your back is at stake?

    The developers. The players are just going to act like players normally do and look for the most effective, least risky, and easiest way to get what they want. And some people like being in large tribes, just as much as I like to solo. No problem with it, no problem with them. My issue with the entire zerg issue only starts when zerg play kills the way I like to play a game.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    My opinion on zerging: I hate it.

    Whose responsibility is it to see that zerging isn't the be-all-end-all effective tactic in tribe vs tribe warfare, where more than what you carry on your back is at stake?

    The developers. The players are just going to act like players normally do and look for the most effective, least risky, and easiest way to get what they want. And some people like being in large tribes, just as much as I like to solo. No problem with it, no problem with them. My issue with the entire zerg issue only starts when zerg play kills the way I like to play a game.
    Right now it takes 80 tribe members to max a tribe territory- you should lobby to lower that number, it may help with people trying to build up their zerg- although it won't stop us.

    Territory control is where it's at for our members and you need numbers to control larger areas, so we won't stop recruiting just to please the zerg haters.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by KeithStone View Post
    Right now it takes 80 tribe members to max a tribe territory- you should lobby to lower that number, it may help with people trying to build up their zerg- although it won't stop us.

    Territory control is where it's at for our members and you need numbers to control larger areas, so we won't stop recruiting just to please the zerg haters.

    Nah, then you'd just do it by alliance. My hope is that mechanics will make zerging very costly and more important, time consuming, so that people will only bring the big numbers out to fight when a target has extremely high value. And I hope that brains will triumph over numbers in many siege/defense situations, and that attacking or defending intelligently will be far more important than how many people you brought with you.

    Plus, why artificially restrict a tribe's numbers? Why not just use game mechanics to make it very costly to maintain that many fighters or that much siege equipment? Large tribes are going to have mobility issues, and a lot of materials for building that I assume will be used in siege weaponry is heavy. Traders aren't going to feel like hauling it around. As long as it's impossible or nearly impossible to build on the march (although some construction and of course repairs could be possible) and as long as terrain has a big enough impact, large tribes and even large alliances may end up still only having a relatively small sphere of effective influence.

    Of course all of this is speculation, but Soulwanderer and I were swapping pvp ideas yesterday in the Prelude section and some of them sounded plausible to me.

    I know the devs have their own ideas for pvp. I've pretty much decided that their ideas are better than anything I can come up with, but since I'm an ideas person, I'll keep thinking things up anyway. Trying to come up with mechanics that will let zergers and soloers, to name the two extremes, share the same game world is at least as entertaining for me as actually playing an MMO, especially when people's ideas start flying back and forth and then start spawning new ideas, and that spawns even more ideas.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by KeithStone View Post
    Right now it takes 80 tribe members to max a tribe territory- you should lobby to lower that number, it may help with people trying to build up their zerg- although it won't stop us.

    Territory control is where it's at for our members and you need numbers to control larger areas, so we won't stop recruiting just to please the zerg haters.
    Actually, I like that it takes 80 to max out tribe land. And people should be recruiting. It builds a better community, and new friendships.

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