Day 1: Just after wipe and my first time in game. I manage to find a good spot and place a homestead totem then begin to practice fishing.
Day 2: Homestead wiped and my place taken. Eventually I find a new spot and keep fishing.
Day 3: Got recruited by a decent tribe and leave my homestead behind, we all fish together.
Day 4: I start having a blast with everything turned on. Tribe starts working together and we all get excited when our first wall goes up. I manage to learn a ton of tool crafting recipes and begin to supply my tribe with the tools we need for crafting. Stayed up till 3am in the morning and loved every moment even with the server drops and rollbacks every 10 minutes.
Day 5 (Launch Day): I Log on long enough to start cursing and quit the game disgusted (Which takes much longer then it should due to substantial lag). Having such a great initial experience only serves to make the loss feel more substantial.
There will not be a day 6 for quite some time. My initial experience with most of the features enabled was more incredible then I could of ever hoped. I look forward to seeing Xsyon or a game much like it functional
one day but this is not what I expected from launch.