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  1. #1
    I agree to this thread.

  2. #2
    I agree with the Commissar.

  3. #3
    Yes it is very great to hear the problems that have been problems since day 1 of prelude are still problems not handled on release, I'm happy to hear someone is thinking about doing something about it... less words more fixes.

    I'll take your bet, I dont think it's crafting or terraforming.

  4. #4
    I actually tracked down the lag myself. Turns out, the game doesn't lag unless I'm logged in. I was in game, it was lagging.. logged out, fixed the problem. Logged back in... LAG. This is a working hypothesis here, but so far all tests have proven positive.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Deksam View Post
    I actually tracked down the lag myself. Turns out, the game doesn't lag unless I'm logged in. I was in game, it was lagging.. logged out, fixed the problem. Logged back in... LAG. This is a working hypothesis here, but so far all tests have proven positive.
    Ditto, I think you nailed it. This matches my experience 100%

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Deksam View Post
    I actually tracked down the lag myself. Turns out, the game doesn't lag unless I'm logged in. I was in game, it was lagging.. logged out, fixed the problem. Logged back in... LAG. This is a working hypothesis here, but so far all tests have proven positive.
    +1 they need to hire you on board as a dev, nice work.

  7. #7
    Does anyone know how many servers they use? My thoughts are, one server handles all of, or at least the bulk of the landscape. Think about it. We're all sharing the same landscape on the same server, making changes to it at the same time. Gathering scrap from junk changes the landscape, along with chopping trees, pulling grass and digging ditches.

    You start adding the variation in people's latency and you have a cluster**** of data being forced through on top of and crossing over itself along the way... bending space and time along the way.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Deksam View Post
    I actually tracked down the lag myself. Turns out, the game doesn't lag unless I'm logged in. I was in game, it was lagging.. logged out, fixed the problem. Logged back in... LAG. This is a working hypothesis here, but so far all tests have proven positive.
    <3 Deks

  9. #9
    Speculation in my tribe led to the possibility that rain was causing server failure and lag the other night also the autodialing function is fucked up so it might be a culprit

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