So I was having a discussion with two others in IRC who seem to believe you shouldn't be able to remove someones claim to land. To me, that would make this game very, very boring. What else would the point of the game be? What would the "End Game" consist of if not being able to remove someone else's claim to land? By destroying what another tribe has made in a long "siege" and in the end being able to destroy their "claim totem" so they have to move elsewhere in the world and start again, away from those who kicked them out?
Also, thoughts about how to expand...currently I believe the only way to expand your tribe is through numbers. This needs to be thought over. Smaller clans shouldn't be limited in land size by numbers alone. Tribes should be able to expand through PROGRESS. Through hard work. Not through numbers alone. The only thing a larger tribe should be able to do is expand FASTER, as obviously, they have more people that can do more work then a smaller one, but a 10 man tribe should still be able to reach the same amount of "claim land" as a 100 man tribe, albeit much slower as only 10 people are working on expanding compared to 100.
This stuff needs to be discussed, because I know I for one didn't just sign up to empire build without being able to completely destroy other peoples stuff and not be able remove their claim to the land they claimed. That would make this game completely boring if you couldn't push someone away from your tribes "territory" through force if necessary.