eh, only 40 bucks..spend more on dinner if I go out. or a carton of cigs for a week.
Ive had fun over 2 months with it, met some cool people (and some I can fondly remember disliking in the future)..put in many many it works out to what? about .05 cent an hour of gameplay i payed for it? fair deal to me.

He could turn up today, state "servers are going down today..thanks all for playing" and Id let him keep the money.
I see it as I gave 40 bucks in my support of his motivation to try a totally new MMO, as an indy dev..getting to play it all this time is just an added bonus.

So im here until it dies, I like the idea of it, and the new angle on MMO's it offers..even if the next 12 months are lagfest, rollback city. and im paying a sub for it.
its $15 a month, again I spent $10 a day on cigarettes, if I can handle paying $10 a day to slowly kill myself...$15 a month for a game that I support the ideals behind is no big concern.

people may ask "why keep paying for a MMO thats might fail?"
I have to ask why shouldnt I? (from my point of view). I have no malice toward jooky, or wish to prove my dissatisfaction of him and the game by demanding a refund to prove that point.
Long as he stays upfront, and gives progress on what hes doing (even if that hardwork doesn't equal to noticeable changes right away ingame..doesn't mean hes not doing hard work TRYING to get it working). I have no issues at all supporting his long hours, his dedication, and his communication with us on whats going on by giving him a few bucks a month.

Like I said to me, its more in showing my appreciation of his hard work..and continuation of it, than my demand to play the game (not that I don't enjoy playing it when its working) on why I stay.