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  1. #1

    List of Control Improvments

    Hey everybody. I have a few suggestions for ways to improve the playability through a series of small tweaks to the way you input into the game. If anyone else has good ideas I'll add them to this post/list as well.

    1) Let us rebind ALL of our keys!!! 1 and 2 keys are locked right now... and I don't really know how they are used anyway, they just show our hand. Our hotbars essentially start at 3.

    2) Shift (Or other modifier) + 1,2,3, or 4 should gather the resource in that slot under your feet. This would help wrist strain when doing resource gathering immensely, I think.

    3) Add new shortcut keys such as: Drop back-storage items, Auto-equipping different equipped items to our left/right hands (In other words, weapon and tool set switching), one for "Open selected container", and possibly more.

    4) This is a big one for me: SUPPORT MOUSE BUTTONS!!!! PLEASE! I always use my Back mouse button to open backpacks/inventories and not having it here is really throwing me off.

    5) Right-clicking with a container open should move the item to the container (Possible to merge with the auto-sort feature below!)

    6) Option to enable double-tapping movement key to dodge

    7) Scroll wheel support for crafting windows

    8) 1 right click to drink your fill or until interrupted (Either looping automatically or just one long drink animation)

    UI functionality:
    1) Auto-sort and/or auto-move from inventory to containers to save us hours of sorting and wrist pain from having to organize a million cloth combinations, or all our metal bits.

    2) Add a grip to the scroll bar on crafting menus.

    3) Fix ground containers closing their windows when destroying an item in your inventory to save needless re-opening.

    Again, if you guys have any suggestions I'll add them up here so they are easier to find and more likely to be implemented, I hope.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Dade512's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Oklahoma City
    I like your ideas, they sound good.

  3. #3
    I'd like to add double-tapping movement key to dodge.

  4. #4
    1. add a grip to the scroll bar on crafting menus
    2. set custom names for baskets

  5. #5
    Definitely custom names for baskets.

  6. #6
    I think having to force clicking to get resources might in some ways make it harder for macros. I know you can macro mouse pointing...but still.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Saorlan's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Animal Crackers
    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    I think having to force clicking to get resources might in some ways make it harder for macros. I know you can macro mouse pointing...but still.
    Please ban this guy.

  8. #8
    First of all, a big YES PLEASE to all your ideas, but I want to keep this thread specific to control and input suggestions. For instance, the basket naming is sort of a game feature. Not to say it's any less important (In fact, I think it's probably more) but theres other threads for it.
    Good call on the scroll grip!

    I like the double tap to dodge too, but it seems a little weird with the current dodge animations (A weave, not a full on roll) but I heard maybe a higher skill would improve them.

    orious13: I actually almost addressed this is the beginning, because I do realize Macroing may be a side effect of making the game more comfortable to play. But, I liken it to not leaving your house ever because your afraid of getting mugged. Sure you'd be safer, but you can still get robbed anyway, and the tradeoff is living the horrible life of a recluse.

  9. #9
    Updated to add:

    Scroll wheel support for crafting
    1 right click to drink your fill or until interrupted
    Ground containers closing when destroying from inventory

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