I think things in tribal areas should be safe including stumps until of course they lift the safe zones and sieges are allowed.

On the other hand, if you go off your tribal land and say, cut down a tree for logs those logs are now open for anyone to do anything with. I don't think that "safe" should be extended for an example, that if you cut down a tree outside your safe zone only you or your tribe can access those logs, this doesn't happen in real life. This includes taking said logs or destroying said logs. This also teaches a lesson that, if you harvest outside your tribal safe zone one needs to move those resources inside your tribe borders ASAP.

It is just like PvP. You are safe in your tribal area, you are not safe outside. The same goes for resources. We all learned this in beta over the last year. (If you weren't in early beta, you are learning this now)

Remember, this is an open sandbox game and there are many was for one to play it, to include brigands, peaceful tribes, solo play (to an extent), warring tribes... hence the good, neutral and evil standings.

In saying this I am sure the devs are trying to make this world as real as possible to include usage of the resources like, trees, animals, junk piles etc., real and functional as possible. What happens in the real world when all the animals are killed off? Now I understand some balance to a point here, but this isn't a a controlled theme park MMO.

I am sure what is coming next is that people will complain that the junk piles are gone in their area, the tribe next to them is to large and has to many people to collect resources, there's not enough fish, the animals can't re-spawn/grow fast enough, distance to travel to gather stuff is to far, why isn't there a Walmart... it will happen. I haven't even started on the griefing and PvP aspects.

This is not a caring and sharing game. It's a post apocalyptic open sandbox MMO with basic rules and guidelines to include taking or destroying of resources, making enemies or allies, etc.. These resources are a precious commodity so use them wisely. Look at our real world around us. It you are expecting to go camping, build your fire, set up some tents, sing kumbaya and not be bothered... this is the wrong game for you.