And yet more complications seem to arise:

1) "Make it so players can't destroy a stump unless its on your land (or tribe's land)" - The problem here is, as Liil said, we set up next to a forest, not in the forest. Technically, there aren't any trees on "our" land.

2) "No, I do not think that trees should be able to be cut down so quickly." - If they make it hard for people to cut down trees for "PvP" purposes, they make it equally hard for people who need those resources to achieve. It's not really a deterrent.

Further, along those lines, making it prohibitively long to destroy a stump might be an acceptable/possible partial deterrent (if you've ever tried to dig up a stump you know how much that sucks), but since the only thing being claimed there is time it has limited use.

3) "but it should be a considerable task to totally destroy everything, giving people an ample chance to try and stop them. - The problem here is that there is no way to "stop" them. You can drive them off temporarily, but considering that unless a tribe is able to field a watch 24 hours a day, all anyone has to do is wait until off hours before doing what they want to do. Wash, rinse, repeat and it's really only a minor end run for the ones doing it while the people who legitimately want to gather those resources find it even harder to do so. (Resources gathering is -already - hard)

Unless, of course, you meant the destruction of resources part, by which I agree... you wouldn't be able to get rid of a forest full of trees that quickly.

Also, if I understand it correctly, trees already regrow without the stump just randomly. While I'm all for such a thing (maybe just an increased respawn timer), and obviously the solution needs to be a combination sort of thing, the bottom line is motivation. Again, my major concern is that no mechanic rewards PVPers (by letting them engage in behavior they like with little to no effort) while leaving other players vulnerable. And while I'm enjoying the crafting/resourcing/building part of Xsyon, if I just get to be a moving target for PvPers to practice on while doing so, my enthusiasm for the game is seriously dampened.