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  1. #1
    terraforming is not aloud off your own land. Should be the same for distroying stumps and rocks.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Intensity in ten cities
    Quote Originally Posted by vorg View Post
    terraforming is not aloud off your own land. Should be the same for distroying stumps and rocks.
    Terraforming is always aloud. Check your volume control.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by vorg View Post
    terraforming is not aloud off your own land. Should be the same for distroying stumps and rocks.
    do you know how fast you would run out of resources.

    you wouldn't be able to build anything.

    there isn't a problem, the issue is you need to police your land more, we do the same in our tribe and the trees have been up for a while.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    do you know how fast you would run out of resources.

    you wouldn't be able to build anything.

    there isn't a problem, the issue is you need to police your land more, we do the same in our tribe and the trees have been up for a while.
    aloud It took me a minute to get it too. hehe

  5. #5
    damn guys, stop being so whinny. look the trees will grow back. stop trying to limit what people can do. It is called a a sandbox game for a reason not a damn daycare for "spoiled i want it my way kids". Yes people will clear the trees, people will dig up the ground and people will even kill you. Its not something we should be limiting. we already can't steal off peoples land, can't atttack them. Hell we can't even defend ourselves on their land.

    I had someone even teraform my river so getting back to my homestead is 2x times as long(i have to go around and up over a cliff,lol). you know what? i thought it was ok and even a smart thing they did it added a 'somthing" that is missing from wow and etc. WE DO NOT NEED TO BE SPOONFED.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Intensity in ten cities
    Quote Originally Posted by korlion View Post
    Speak for yourself... I needs my strained carrots..

  7. #7
    Would suggest the devs only step in once the ENTIRE available playable area is clearcut of trees.

  8. #8
    so yeah, once again, just let them plant trees, wall in your stock, post guards, this isn't the smurfs ya know...

    Just the other day I noticed that the regs have a tree that's completely walled off. you could always do that

    @VD: 23? Wow, anyone got "Victory or Death?" The last Star Fighter was awesome

    @kyr: Thanks!

  9. #9
    I had a nice chat with on of the guides, who asked devs directly of what is allowed and what is not:

    - Moving totems around by 5, 6, 7 people that hop from temp tribe to temp tribe to be able to terraform land around anyone is allowed even if it means building a huge wall around someone and cornering him completely
    - Destroying all in game resources by any means (allowed in game) possible is allowed. You can destroy stumps, junk piles, block rivers, destroy grass... Everything goes.

    So don't bitch too much, rather find a way to get back to those who maltreated you. Payback is much sweeter if you do it yourself (using game mechanics, not going to his door with PMX bat in your hand). Here are some things you can do to anyone destroying your resources (as allowed by game and mod rules).

    Form a temp tribe of 10 people with showels. Place a totem next to tribe or homestead you want to grief. As close as possible, preferably close to some key resource like river or junkpile. Clear everything up, dig up a huge hole or raise a huge dirt wall on that piece of land and get rid of all dirt you have. Holes work well if close to a river, no tribe likes to be surrounded by huge water ditches with not enough dirt to cover it up. Then have all but tribe leader leave the tribe and form a new one right next to the first one. Do it 5-6 times to make sure everything around tribe you want to grief is ruined and terraformed, no trees are left, water sources are moved (if possible), no junk or grass is left and nothing to do there except to move out. If you are lucky that tribe you want to grief is close to elevated water source (river that flows downstream with few waterfalls) you are lucky as leading water down will auto generate 100x more dirt then you can ever bring with yuorself. This will allow you to create huge natural walls (mountain sized if you know how to do it) that no one can fix without investing months of terraforming in it.

    If they take days to fix it (water and elevation, resources are permanently destroyed) do it again as soon as they are done. 10 people can ruin a landscape in just few hours and it would take 10 people much longer to fix it.

    I'm not saying you should do it, I personaly despise any form of griefing and misusing game mechanics to ruin game experience for others. I'm sayint this is all possible and allowed by game and mod rules. You will not get banned or warned for making barren lands around anyone. And if there is nothing else for you to do to get back to those who griefed you this is how you can do it and enjoy it as they can not touch you in your own tribe lands (hoping tribes is easy).

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Plague View Post
    I had a nice chat with on of the guides, who asked devs directly of what is allowed and what is not:

    - Moving totems around by 5, 6, 7 people that hop from temp tribe to temp tribe to be able to terraform land around anyone is allowed even if it means building a huge wall around someone and cornering him completely
    - Destroying all in game resources by any means (allowed in game) possible is allowed. You can destroy stumps, junk piles, block rivers, destroy grass... Everything goes.

    So don't bitch too much, rather find a way to get back to those who maltreated you. Payback is much sweeter if you do it yourself (using game mechanics, not going to his door with PMX bat in your hand). Here are some things you can do to anyone destroying your resources (as allowed by game and mod rules).

    Form a temp tribe of 10 people with showels. Place a totem next to tribe or homestead you want to grief. As close as possible, preferably close to some key resource like river or junkpile. Clear everything up, dig up a huge hole or raise a huge dirt wall on that piece of land and get rid of all dirt you have. Holes work well if close to a river, no tribe likes to be surrounded by huge water ditches with not enough dirt to cover it up. Then have all but tribe leader leave the tribe and form a new one right next to the first one. Do it 5-6 times to make sure everything around tribe you want to grief is ruined and terraformed, no trees are left, water sources are moved (if possible), no junk or grass is left and nothing to do there except to move out. If you are lucky that tribe you want to grief is close to elevated water source (river that flows downstream with few waterfalls) you are lucky as leading water down will auto generate 100x more dirt then you can ever bring with yuorself. This will allow you to create huge natural walls (mountain sized if you know how to do it) that no one can fix without investing months of terraforming in it.

    If they take days to fix it (water and elevation, resources are permanently destroyed) do it again as soon as they are done. 10 people can ruin a landscape in just few hours and it would take 10 people much longer to fix it.

    I'm not saying you should do it, I personaly despise any form of griefing and misusing game mechanics to ruin game experience for others. I'm sayint this is all possible and allowed by game and mod rules. You will not get banned or warned for making barren lands around anyone. And if there is nothing else for you to do to get back to those who griefed you this is how you can do it and enjoy it as they can not touch you in your own tribe lands (hoping tribes is easy).
    Better yet put the dirt on the totem as a quest and then pull up and leave. If I believed this to be true for one second I would begin Operation: Waterworld... This is not how the devs wanted their game to turn out I'm sure. Some barren monstrosity of earthen walls and sinkholes. These tactics are viable in the right situations, but are clearly just griefing most of the time. I guess the definition of griefing comes down to motive and intent. If you are doing it for the lolz and to make someone rage then you are griefing. If it is used as a military strategy then it is simply a good tactic. The devs will have to decide where the line is if they want their game to survive.

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