I believe this would help a lot so we could do other things like in IRL instead of looking at a computer screen clicking "Fish" or make it so you keep collecting until full.
I believe this would help a lot so we could do other things like in IRL instead of looking at a computer screen clicking "Fish" or make it so you keep collecting until full.
On the whole, I am against macro's in general.
However, I do remember the days at the beginning of Darkfall when you had to click each time you wanted to harvest something from a node. About wore out my clicking finger.
I was very happy when they changed it to one click to harvest until either the node was empty, you ran out of stamina, or was interrupted.
I have yet to do fishing in Xyson yet, thanks to some nice guild mates. I have scavenged, and gathered branches, and grass. I see no need for these to be changed.
But from all reports I am getting, I think changing fishing to a one click and it auto-fishes until energy is gone, max weight is achieved, or interrupted wouldn't be a bad thing.
Fishing is no different than scavenging or gathering. Go somewhere, click the button and wait for the progress bar. If it was a little more in depth, like a mini-game, that might be better. All skills could benefit. Course the ease of the game would have to be solely dependant on skill level.
Anything which is macro-able probably will be and if you don't want it to be, then the design of that mechanic should be changed. The gathering (foraging, logging, scavenging, fishing) situation in this game probably should be tweaked somehow to make it a bit more interactive. Unfortunately, I don't really have any suggestions. Some kind of mini-game which was suggested makes sense, so long as the result would be worth the time.