As PVP player I am all for no safe zones, but at the same time without safe npc cities I know there has to be something. So, from my experience of running around and fighting and defending my land, here is a suggestion.

First off, lets note that a 20 man's tribe territory, is HUGE. It has the ability to cover all the resources in the area, making it possible to never have to leave your territory (anytime soon that is). With that many ppl, and that much resource, your not even worried about trade (until some rare resource not in your area may be needed). Would it not be reasonable to reduce the safe zone radius within the tribe territory? For example maybe a homestead size radius around the totem, everything else in the territory is free game for combat purposes. I would even agree that leaving a homestead's safe zone the same as is, its not like they are hoarding resources with their totem's. I feel this would accommodate both sides of the spectrum.
