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  1. #1
    hey look if you all want to lie about begin in the same little group so be it. However, in the end its true. Now Armand, you saying you are not against netural tribes huh? Well Fallen Lords has always been Netural, so is Pandemic and many other tribes you "deem" evil. But this is not the place for that, this is for the place, if you all want to lie do so. You cannot hide the truth from us, and guess what Its has been ocnfirmed by people in Hopi, New Eden and guess what Apache your tribe too, and people whom were not even apart of the situation saw Hopi members and apache members talking about "their alliance". But if you feeeeellll sooo earnest about lol defending it go right away none of us care, since we all know the truth. ( this was not an attack against hopi, the apachag or new eden, it was news brought to be my over 20 people)

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by furanku View Post
    You cannot hide the truth from us, and guess what Its has been ocnfirmed by people in Hopi, New Eden and guess what Apache your tribe too, and people whom were not even apart of the situation saw Hopi members and apache members talking about "their alliance". But if you feeeeellll sooo earnest about lol defending it go right away none of us care, since we all know the truth. ( this was not an attack against hopi, the apachag or new eden, it was news brought to be my over 20 people)
    what the hell.."by people in Hopi, "New Eden" really? confirmed by us? we dont talk to anyone in hopi, where hopi's zone is..or even who its leader is.
    so how can any of new eden 'confirm' this?
    NOW I KNOW for a fact your just making up facts...i can assure you 100% no one in my tribe has anything to do with hopi.

    I know them personally for years, some are my best friends. so dont try to take some mysterious "insider info" like we have some double agent stance to backup your facts with 'unknown persons' that you conveniently cant reveal.
    where you get this magical information that we are part of this conflict and we have confirmed/denied anything about hopi is pure fantasy.

    now your just lumping anyone that doesn't 'agree' with you into this whole conspiracy theory you have.

    we have no interest, care, or concern about what any of hopi's allies/enemies/neutral tribes do
    If anything I'm offended and appalled that you'd even try to lump us into this and drag our tribes name into it, because you want to make us seem like we are part of it.

    I merely pointing out your newspaper is theory and biased opinion at best on ties to any tribes, or lack of, was no motivation at all for it.

    but if anything the fact you say you have confirmation from one of us just furthers the point that you will make up facts as needed to make your opinions and theories sound more factual based...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by furanku View Post
    Now Armand, you saying you are not against netural tribes huh? Well Fallen Lords has always been Netural, so is Pandemic and many other tribes you "deem" evil.
    Tribes who cower behind the veil of "neutrality" and carry out their dirty deeds get no respect from us.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Armand View Post
    Tribes who cower behind the veil of "neutrality" and carry out their dirty deeds get no respect from us.

    (the following does not have anything to do with my stand with/against hopi..before you make connections where this is none...its my opinion, and no ones elses)

    couldnt have worded it better myself.

    the definition of neutral in itself is "having no standing or opinion of a situation, or not leaning towards any side of the discussion at hand"

    him claiming neutral when hes made verbal attacks on may tribes, sided with others for the mere fact they are against the former anything but neutral.

    hes claim of being neutral is as true as his claim of the paper being 'fair and unbiased'.
    just come out and say it have a bias..
    MANY more people will respect you for speaking your mind, and being honest..than trying to play it as being unbiased, and that the subject matter is the one at fault. then you can freely and openly write what you wish about whomever you wish..and take MUCH less heat for it. because your being upfront about your feelings in the subject.

  5. #5
    So much needless rage.. Leave the Trolling to someone more qualified please.

    I thought the Layout was very cool with the spreading out news paper. It was rather short with only 4 pages though, perhaps next issue will have more in it now that you have decided a layout for your paper. I understand in game it must be hard to get around and ask people questions with all the bored nakied pvpers running around perhaps you can make contacts with homesteads around the lake area and have them help out as listening posts ? Mabye that way the paper could like be broken up into a east of the lake and a west of the lake section.

  6. #6
    ( Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the above tribes. Apparently I have to put this now or be blogged on a biased basis. )

    From the moment furanku came to the forums, it's been one constant problem after another. I'm sure we all saw it -- most of us attempted to stay out of it. But at this point, it gets increasingly difficult to simply stand by.

    I still have no idea what set furanku off so hard against Hopi, but anyone who even remotely takes their side or does not agree with furanku gets the whole interrogation / blogged bashing / conspiracy theory story to follow along with them. That trend is undeniable at this point.

    From a purely neutral stand point ( and I can say that because, again, I am not affiliated with any of the above tribes ), your "Xsyon Newspaper" is more of a ranting blog. It's been that way since you first made it. I don't read your blog except when the forums suddenly have a topic spawning about it, but for the sole reason that if I didn't, I would have no right to comment on something I knew nothing about.

    But, in each topic you have in your blog, because lets face it that's what it is, you've attacked either 1) Hopi, 2) People who side with Hopi, 3) the "failure" of the Dev's, despite them obviously pulling miracle fixes out over the past couple of weeks. They, who have gone through leaps and bounds to make the game playable, and it shows from the February 18th launch to now.

    It's one sided bigotry. That is all it is at this point. As I recall, at one point Apache were even allied with your Tribe before withdrawing. For what reason, I don't know, but all of sudden they're the enemy too because your "inside source" claimed to know something about Hopi and Apache? Yeah, I don't think anyone buys that. It sounds more like wounded pride or a play at attention seeking.

    The way I see it, every member of a tribe / organization / etc represents that organization -- whether it be in-game or on forums. Even more so when their forum name is also attached to their in-game name, with signatures blazing with their tribes logo. The people from Apache, New Eden, and Hopi all represent themselves well, while you come off attempting to slander everything about them with no actual evidence. In fact, KeithStone shows evidence to the contrary. And again, this is not your first time to have questionable motives, sources, and general all-around a questionable situation -- at best.

    I know some pretty cool, respectable people from Pandemic. Yes, not all of them bite your head off because you disagree with them. They might be for total PvP or whatever their beliefs in that regard, but they're still not bad people that go around blatantly slandering people. I'm almost sorry for them that they have to affiliate your name and your tribe with them.

    As far as the people in Apache and New Eden go, I applaud you guys for representing your tribes in the manner you have. It really does represent your tribes in a good light ( even if your evil aligned ).

    And it's good to see actual, tribal interaction ( as what KeithStone has shown ) rather than simply, " NO, YOU GO AWAY " interaction.

    Props to the people in those tribes.

    Edit --

    Also, I'm not sure how you got your "trading information", but really. No. Tribes might want dirt, but that's not the hot thing to trade right now, in the least. I've been from 1015 to 1061 to 821 and everything in between (including your tribe). Tribes are not wanting mass amounts of dirt, even if a few, and a very small few, did.

  7. #7
    Your spelling and grammar are atrocious! How can anyone take this paper seriously if you can't even get that right? Plus, it sounds like you're just making stuff up instead of doing real research and reporting. Sad

  8. #8
    I laughed pretty hard when I noticed that in the title of the first article he misspelled 'digging'. At the very least you should use spellcheck you foolish poltroon.

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