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Thread: Skill system?

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by robofriven View Post
    The fact that you, who obviously hates skill decay, explained it to someone and they hated it doesn't mean anything. In fact it probably just means that you managed to pass your own bias on to someone else. Also having it be a "deal breaker" for you before you even see how it works or it's implemented in the game probably isn't healthy in the least. See what they have planned, then talk about it. To hear of an idea you're not a big fan of, imagine how it will be (in the worst light possible) then getting mad at the result is rather silly if you think about it.
    I didn't explain what skill decay was, I just mention that they might implement it. He already knew and hated skill decay.

    And I imagine skill decay in the light that A, you will lose points in skills as you play. B, you will lose points in skills as you train other skills. In either light I am fully 100% against it, even if its light. I don't need to hear what they have planned or what kind of skill decay they intend to use. Its like saying "How can you say you don't want to a bone broken, when you don't even know what bone they will break or how bad the break will be?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    I disagree with about everything you said.

    skill decay is great because it forces a player to make a choice...this or that, jack of all, or master of a couple. Soft cap+skill decay is even better because it ensure that you will have to be extremely focused on something to become a master at it. This makes for great character and world diversity.

    sorry, but you shouldnt be able to be able to have every ability maxed out just because you have the time on your hands to do it...thats horrible game design, since that then sets the barrier to entry to be 'maxed at everything'. horrible horrible horrible.
    A soft skill cap can accomplish this alone without skill decay. If you make it so after 500 points it takes twice as long to level. At 1000 points, four times a long. At 1500 eight times as long etc. And there is say, 5000 skill points total with another 100 being added every month or so, then you WILL have to make choices. By the time you get to 2500 points it will take you 64 times as long per skill point to level something. If you are still managing to push levels at that point you just flat out deserve them. I know for me, at that point, I will stop caring about leveling. And you would have be a grinding machine just to get to that level.

    That sets the bar at max in all skills? Sorry but thats just unrealistic. By the time you reached 5000 points you would have been grinding the last 500 points at 1/1024th the normal rate. I don't care if every skill raises as fast as terraforming, that is impossible to max.

    I would support a form of VOLUNTARY skill decay where you could choose a skill and select decay, then train another skill at a normal rate but losing points from that skill on a 1:1 basis (So you are training at the normal speed but your skill total is not rising). But I never want to have to re-do leveling, and I don't want to feel like I can't try another craft out or perform some low level actions in a craft without destroying the work In the craft I care about, and I certainly do not want to feel like I am nerfing my character by not constantly doing things which generate skill points.

    Skill decay is an obsolete, and quite frankly crap idea only favored by uber grinders that can be entirely replaced by a well done soft cap. When you get a well done soft cap the difference between someone who plays a decent amount and a no-lifer will be 1-3 maxed skills.

  2. #2
    How will skill decay be implemented on the macroers who have 100 in every skill? Sounds like they have far less to lose in the long run. How will this effect the softcap? Are you going to nerf these characters skills that they spent so much time grinding? Darkfall made the same promises and we all know how that has turned out... This needs to be turned on immediately before people surpass the intended cap (which I'm sure any macroer probably has already). You are going to lose subscribers if you add it in after we've all maxed our skills to be able to compete.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Andius View Post
    And it sounds to me like you want another pre-NGE SWG. This is not that kind of game. When you take out all NPCs other than animals, and require the player to go out, build up from nothing, and survive in the world it is an entirely different kind of beast.

    You need to be well rounded to survive. You can't just go to the auction house and sell the items you want to get the items you need. Approaching it with a mentality like this game is SWG will not work. I think of it as more of a cross between Wurm Online and Darkfall. Because that is pretty accurate to what it is.

    Remember not everyone will join a tribe. Not every tribe is a large tribe. If they can't both fend for themselves combat-wise and at least produce valuable items they can trade for the things they need, they will not survive.
    If I wanted the Pre-NGE system, I'd be asking for profession trees and a hard cap on skill points. While I wouldn't mind that, I'm completely fine with soft cap/skill decay.

    - You can buy/sell a good amount of things. We've been selling stuff via our totem quests like crazy. You're in our zone, so you know this (The Firm). Vendors are supposed to be in at some point, too.

    - I don't care if everyone isn't going to join a tribe or has a small tribe. That is their choice. If you want to balance an MMO on solo play, you aren't playing the right one, I guess. We only have 7 people and are doing just fine.

    - For the 3rd time, Jordi already said each line (combat and crafting) have their own soft cap with decay, so you can do both well, which for the 3rd time... Unfortunate, but whatever x3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    How will skill decay be implemented on the macroers who have 100 in every skill? Sounds like they have far less to lose in the long run. How will this effect the softcap? Are you going to nerf these characters skills that they spent so much time grinding? Darkfall made the same promises and we all know how that has turned out... This needs to be turned on immediately before people surpass the intended cap (which I'm sure any macroer probably has already). You are going to lose subscribers if you add it in after we've all maxed our skills to be able to compete.
    Yep, he needs to turn it on ASAP. Slippery slope for Jordi at the moment.

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