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I'm starting to wonder if Xsyon has switched to a singleplayer game, because I'm hardly seeing anyone. Had my alt running along the junk pile gathering for hours the last few nights and have only been attacked twice.
It's probably because
1) Combat is a joke
2) You cant loot anyone because they all carry private bins on their backs.
3) Crafting is bad - right click on your tools and ingredients every time, even if your crafting the same thing over again!
4) No animals
5) Safe zones - The only places there are people to kill seem to be right around their safe zones. As soon as you attack them they bolt to safety, even though their backpacks cant be looted anyways.
The only people I'm seeing play this game are people hiding away in their safe zone terraforming, because it is the only feature this game does well.
I see more people playing Mortal Online, and this game has only been released for 1 week + 1 day and everyone has a 2 month sub.