So last night we managed to corner a guide into answering when trees would regrown the answers we were given were.
1. Trees will regrow during the 'spring' cycle which will be in under two weeks time (we're currently in 'winter' and the seasons last 2 weeks).
[This also means that a full growth cycle on trees is 2 months long]
2. During this time trees will regrow from their stumps.
3. The guide said if you want trees to regrow don't cut out the stumps.
4. The guide said they WEREN'T SURE if trees whose stumps were removed would regrow at all (either in their original place or another location)
Now granted this is a guide saying this, and to be hoenst I'm not sure a guide knows anymore than we do.
That trees that were cut down and their stumps remain still haven't grown back after 1 week.
Trees whose stumps have been removed certainly haven't grown back.