Quote Originally Posted by RedMorgan View Post
Console style combat? Absolutely terrible idea. Demons Souls is a great game, but sorry, I don't want that to be my standard for PvP in a MMO.

Locking on to enemies eliminates a great deal of the individual skill and maneuverability. And even more importantly, it makes group combat into a total uncontrollable mash-fest. Seriously, you're requesting LOCK ONS of all things?

Hands down, worst suggestion I've seen on this forum. I'd support the "get married and have an NPC baby" crap before I'd get behind this idea.
Did you stop at lock-ons? Or continue on? That was just one part of the suggestion.

But lock-on I think is dependent on how it's used and the other mechanics behind it. Honestly I believe lock on only eliminates the aiming part of the skill set but you still need skills for the other parts of the combat. For group combat it is already for the most part an uncontrollably mash up since you're never sure who're fighting lol. But can you go into how you think it would be worse with lock-ons in a group situation?