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  1. #1

    Looting a corpse after PVP - Bug?

    I've been having issues looting items from a corpse after winning a PVP fight. At first I thought maybe you can only take 2 items, but then I lost a fight and got stripped naked...
    Basically when I loot someone it won't let me drag over some items they are wearing, it says I don't have permission. It says the same for bins they are carrying.
    If I open the bin they are carrying, after taking 1 item it closes, and it only lets me re-open it one more time to take 1 more item, even if the timer on the corpse isn't up yet. For instance, on the 3rd attempt to re-open the bin, I'll see it appear on the screen for about half a second and instantly disappear, not even long enough to see what's inside =/..

    Is anyone else having similar loot issues after killing someone, or know any tricks on how to loot everything, maybe not have bins close etc etc?

  2. #2
    yes on issues, no on tricks.

    Some bags I can, some are private, some I can't, some do the animation but nothing happens.

    I do suspect sometimes you don't have permission if the person died in someone elses totem range.

    For the most part Ive always been able to loot their equipped gear, unless someone else ahs already looted it (the icon seems to stay regardless).

  3. #3
    If you are trying to loot pre-order weapons you won't be able to, so learn to recognize what is pre-order and what isn't. You should be able to pick the body clean of all weapons, tools, and armor other than the pre-order weapons. When it comes to containers though... yeah. I have the same issues. Made me really mad the other day as I killed PKer using my fishing hole and saw all he had in his container was a recipe, but I couldn't get the recipe.

  4. #4
    i have this bug too sometimes, ill open a bag and be able to take 1-2 items then the bag just shuts and i try to open it again, i see the cast bar and my guy bends over but the bag never opens again. happens pretty often to me

  5. #5
    If you attack them and win you dont always get to pick the corpse clean. if they attack you and loose you can loot almost everything off of it. or if your on your tribe land you can loot everything off of it minus pre order weapons.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    If you attack them and win you dont always get to pick the corpse clean. if they attack you and loose you can loot almost everything off of it. or if your on your tribe land you can loot everything off of it minus pre order weapons.
    i had never heard that b4

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    If you attack them and win you dont always get to pick the corpse clean. if they attack you and loose you can loot almost everything off of it. or if your on your tribe land you can loot everything off of it minus pre order weapons.
    Tested. Not true. Looting is simply buggy, along with many other things.

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