Quote Originally Posted by furanku View Post
I didn't get flamed oh jesus.
need me to fix that for you? :P

No, I totally agree, as fun as it is, the times of lags makes me reflect on how its neither content added, or bugs fixed...one or the other I'd be happy with the progress. at least it would feel its moving forward.

right now its like going from alpha, to beta, to alpha, to pre-alpha..to some sort of basic first run.

Im in for the long haul, no doubt. But how long I stay before going "ill just login in a few weeks and see if we can do something." is up in the air.
Granted the lag DID get better, but then got worse..then got 10 minute entities loading, then fixed it, than back again..but the 'progression' of the features are going in reverse, lost decay, lost quality info boxes. lost animals..

now like I said if they was removed in a forward progression of problems being fixed, I could handle it..but loosing features AND getting more bugs/lag/rollbacks during it over a month is another story all together.