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Thread: bladed tonfa

  1. #1

    bladed tonfa

    Can we please get the characters to hold this correctly? Might as well rename it pointy stick.

  2. #2
    yeah i was disappointed to see that they are held wrong. but the issue is in the way your arm swings them.

  3. #3
    I think I'd rather see me swing them wrong than hold them wrong.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontaze_Mebro View Post
    I think I'd rather see me swing them wrong than hold them wrong.
    Definitely this. Swinging it wrong can be from not knowing how to use it. But being able to make it but not know what part is the handle is more then a bit frustrating to me aesthetically. Not that this is high priority by any means.

  5. #5
    +1 for renaming it to pointy stick.

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