Quote Originally Posted by Trenchfoot View Post
Ok I'll take another stab at it in the spirit of being constructive.

- Remove safe zones
- Fix /unstuck
- Introduce gates
- Gates require a key.
- Introduce siege equipment and anti-siege equipment
- Walls/gates inside totem area of influence can only be destroyed by siege equipment.
- Walls/gates should take a long time to breach.
- Walls/gates can be repaired by any member of the tribe.
- Siege equipment can only be moved around by X number of players.
- Siege equipment takes large amounts of resources to be built.
- Anti-siege equipment can destroy siege equipment.
- Resources (where it makes sense) should be depletable and rotate. Once they dry up they can be discovered again somewhere else.

And I hesitate to say let everyone build everywhere but I would really like to see a way for tribes to build outside their area of influence without requiring a totem. Perhaps a special building type? I don't know. Maybe walls built outside your tribe AoI are vulnerable to a bunch of guys with picks instead of just siege equipment?

The point is tribes should be able to have the option to try and control large areas outside their area of influence by outposts, forts, trading posts, and tiny settlements.
YES! ^this

Guys if this game goes all carebear then I have few questions:
1. Why do we have walls - if you have safe zone then walls are kinda for look - something like flowers - lets make more flowers then - DEVs delete all walls and defending structures pls (/sarcasm)
2. Why do we have armor sets? - delete them also
3. Weapons - ...
4. fun? - lets make this single player game and rename it to sim city 2010

Srsly ppl get real and stop talking about safe zones and PVE part and all that BS - Its really simple - I see this game as free game... free to do anything you like (someone will pvp , someone will build all day, someone will destroy, someone will farm, someone will trade, then politic between tribes and everything else that I didnt mention here).
If you take that freedom and make safe zones permanent then we lost that freedom - there will be NO to very low PVP... players will build less because - why building walls when you have safe zones etc ... its all connected.
Safe zones and battlegrounds/minigames and alike are ruining games... pls don't make same mistake here.

Its sandbox for love of the God ... don't make is prisonbox!

Added after 6 minutes:

Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
And you still don't get it.

Destruction of everything for MULTIPLE PLAYERS (all the tribe members) equals those players never playing again. I am fine with siege damage to walls and all that.
You don't get it mate ... Why attacking if you can't destroy?
Why defending if you can't be destroyed?
Why war between tribes if its pointless?
Why playing game that is pointless?

If you leave game after someone destroy all that you have build then you are not for sandbox games - its simple as that.

If you want to build all day and be sure it will not be destroyed then go Sims and Sim City but be sure to turn off natural catastrophes because they will dmg your town.