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  1. #1

    What xsyon needs now to even stand a chance later.

    So far xsyon is a great game and one of the best looking and feeling games ive played but this game has no randomness at all. People are leaving everyday because theres just nothing to do besides grind. its basically person 1 do this to max then go do this to max then go do this to max. theres no dungeons, no random earthquakes, no zombies at night, no anything to make this game playable for long periods at a time. I mean eventually everyone will get bored of doing the same thing over and over and finding 3 animals a day. There needs to be something that will make this game exciting something like because its raining trees are now easier to chop and scavenging has better rewards. Or winter is over now bears are running rampant around zone 820 can anyone stop them and kill the mother bear. and make the mother bear drop something used to make a high level armor. these are things that keep players interesting in the long run but so far the *newness* of the game is running out and its getting to be minecraft with levels and without zombies. please post your opnion on this players?

  2. #2
    we need zombies that spawn every night near player settlements and attack them

  3. #3
    im not saying we need that its just we need something to break the grinding routine.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
    im not saying we need that its just we need something to break the grinding routine.
    i agree as of right now all we do is grind.....hey someones over there should i fight him...nope the combat system isnt good...........keeps grinding for the rest of the day.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Zarin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Denver, Colorado
    Yah this is something I can agree with you on.

    Here's some stuff that would help make the game more exciting and "random" in my opinion:

    - Zombies of coarse
    - Animals and more mobs of them
    - Rare animals, resources, and recipes that will help craft rare items
    - Rare mutants, not just zombies, but rare and powerful creatures that reward with unique items, recipes, resources, etc.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarin View Post
    Yah this is something I can agree with you on.

    Here's some stuff that would help make the game more exciting and "random" in my opinion:

    - Zombies of coarse
    - Animals and more mobs of them
    - Rare animals, resources, and recipes that will help craft rare items
    - Rare mutants, not just zombies, but rare and powerful creatures that reward with unique items, recipes, resources, etc.
    these will work well or even some kind of guide events like random monster mass spawns in everyones area just for fun. this will also help with the macroes because they will be killed

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by esudar View Post
    we need zombies that spawn every night near player settlements and attack them
    I don't know that I NEED this, but I sure wouldn't mind it!

    Edit* As long as they're not like the animals, able to get through walls!

  8. #8
    i would like a event like this.
    A king racoon has spawned and decayed all the trees around zone ???. now the trees dont bear any good logs. in order to get the trees health back players must find him in the mountains around zone ??? and kill him or else the trees around zone ??? will die. this would be a good way of stopping macroers because this can happen if too much of an action is done in a limited amount of time.

  9. #9
    Zombies have been beaten to death how about ninj.. nope those to. Ahah! why not pirat... Damn you games companies find some other dead horses to flog ffs!


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by YamiOkami View Post
    Zombies have been beaten to death how about ninj.. nope those to. Ahah! why not pirat... Damn you games companies find some other dead horses to flog ffs!

    what about ants?

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