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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    2) I dunno about lootable starter weapons, but their damage is a little extreme. Again we are only comparing them to noob armor and other noob weapons.

    Weapons do already have (some) adjustments, just not the starter weapons. (knives are fast, etc)

    Swinging your weapon shoudl cost stam so just mashing the button isn't the most viable strategy, timing should be imo.

    I'm hoping fists do less and less damage vs armor, we'll see.
    It is flat out unfair to have a "starter weapon" that is much stronger than anything anyone starting out could get for a very long time, especially when skillpoints put into combat are negligible. To the rest of your #2, that is exactly what i was trying to get at - subtle BALANCES that are very easy to implement and will keep players from leaving.

    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    3) I don't think the difference should be that drastic, it keeps macrophobics from having any ground to stand on.
    I think it should be at least noticeable, not necessarily drastic. An experienced fencer and a 12 year old boy who has never held a sword can both stab someone in the eye and get the same result, but the experienced fencer will obviously know how to use the weapon properly for more damage done, defense abilities, and ways to attack without exhausting himself. Same should be in game with skill level, imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    5) This is just the playerbase not understanding how it works. No reason to change IMO.
    I was under the understanding that there are no stat point gains whatsoever in game now. I didnt put this to thorough testing, just took it for what it was - hearsay. However, IF it were true, it seemed very unfair and easy to fix rather than just making everyone lose points...especially high level points.

    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    I would like to see FPS Fixes (if you live in certain zones you know) as the top priority, and maybe turning some features (like item and skill decay) on before anythign on this list, though.
    Agreed we could add that as 6, or maybe replace 5 if stat point games ARE possible. But why turn on item/skill decay whenever the majority of items are flat out useless and not balanced? EG weapons, armor, leather, etc. Skill decay is under the same ideology as item decay because there is no softcap, dunno about you, but im obviously not going to dump points into something that has no combat atm.

    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    +1 for a good post though!

  2. #2
    There are like a billion of these type of threads lets keep it in the same thread instead of clogging up prelude

  3. #3
    None of this stuff should even be thought about til performance and lag is fixed.

  4. #4
    actually all those are not important fixs needed yet. Bugs-lag and Totem overlaping is on his agenda now atm. once these are done he can get to tinkering with combat.

  5. #5
    Yes to alot of this, but the starter weapon complaint. They are not OP, they will be relics soon with little use in the game. They should not degrade, they should not be lootable, they will be trophies in the end to show you were a pre order player years from now. Weaponsmithing will soon pass the starter weapon quality. It is a Null point.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizzlexx View Post
    There are like a billion of these type of threads lets keep it in the same thread instead of clogging up prelude
    Did you see where I posted -

    This is not a flame thread. This thread's intentions are to *debate* what needs the most attention asap.
    If you are a mod, move it if it is bugging you. However, Ill debate that it needs to be HERE, in the prelude section, because that is where everyone looks...currently 80+ looking here rather than 3 at the Tweaks/suggestions section.


    What lag? Performance issues? Totem overlaying? I dont seem to have any that are game-breaking atm.

    Yeah i crashed once and took me 15 minutes to log back what?

    *Not being an elitist, I simply havent seen any issues myself lately.

    Quote Originally Posted by dackain View Post
    Yes to alot of this, but the starter weapon complaint. They are not OP, they will be relics soon with little use in the game. They should not degrade, they should not be lootable, they will be trophies in the end to show you were a pre order player years from now. Weaponsmithing will soon pass the starter weapon quality. It is a Null point.
    Again, thats kinda what I was getting at - the balancing of weapons/armor to reflect that. It is now OP, imo, because it isnt lootable, doesnt degrade, and does the same exact damage other axes do.

    Thats an obvious over-powerment to a pre release player as to one that steps in today.

  7. #7
    6. The Game Sucks - Downtime/Unplayable - It'd be pretty sweet if the servers were stable and this looked like a real release of some kind.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    It is flat out unfair to have a "starter weapon" that is much stronger than anything anyone starting out could get for a very long time, especially when skillpoints put into combat are negligible. To the rest of your #2, that is exactly what i was trying to get at - subtle BALANCES that are very easy to implement and will keep players from leaving.

    Ya, you might be right. I wouldn't bat an eye if they just removed PreOrder Weapons.

    I think it should be at least noticeable, not necessarily drastic. An experienced fencer and a 12 year old boy who has never held a sword can both stab someone in the eye and get the same result, but the experienced fencer will obviously know how to use the weapon properly for more damage done, defense abilities, and ways to attack without exhausting himself. Same should be in game with skill level, imo.

    I was under the understanding that there are no stat point gains whatsoever in game now. I didnt put this to thorough testing, just took it for what it was - hearsay. However, IF it were true, it seemed very unfair and easy to fix rather than just making everyone lose points...especially high level points.

    Stat gains ARE in. Mostly from crafting. We are ALWAYS going to lose stats, and we have to work to gain. Some people even have more total points than they started with.

    Agreed we could add that as 6, or maybe replace 5 if stat point games ARE possible. But why turn on item/skill decay whenever the majority of items are flat out useless and not balanced? EG weapons, armor, leather, etc. Skill decay is under the same ideology as item decay because there is no softcap, dunno about you, but im obviously not going to dump points into something that has no combat atm.

    We may have to agree to disagree here! FPS fixes number 1, and I think alot of our game-change-craft in general would be moot if we were playing the game they indended us to play with most of the features on.


    Anytime, I call em how I see em!

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