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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Actually you are suggesting that all of us should start with 100 points on every stats, with maxed out skills and having all the recipes, since you find the process which gets you there boring and useless. Thats a point too, but why to play the game then ? No wonder that the macroers complain that they are already bored. If I macroed my skills up I would be bored as well.

    Honestly, if you feel the need to macro that means the game is not for you, since you find it boring. You probably don't get the feeling of achievement when you reach a goal you've set to yourself. I'd suggest you to try another game with instant gratification.
    I did not at all say that I wanted us to start with 100 in every skill. What I meant is that this system is a "the longer you sit and press this button, the better you be when you actually start playing" kind of system, which in practice is a macro system (either by being the macro yourself, or creating one). With such a system, there is no achievement as you realize the second you've gained a skill point how utterly pointless and stupid it was of you to spend so many hours endlessly pressing that one button without doing anything else for so little a "achievement".

    As the systems are right now (that is the standard MMO concept of "Press button x times for xx hours > Gain skill" instead of "Use skill in a cool way + something else > Gain skill") they are indeed pretty boring, I will not deny that. However, that is not the only thing wrong with it. It's the ONLY thing you can do right now, with everything else either turned off or too laggy/broken to actually do.

    Saying that this isn't a "instant gratification" game is also wrong. As all you have to do to get that "satisfaction" is to press the same button endlessly/do the same thing endlessly without any variation what so ever. You don't need to interact with other people and you don't need to actively play. All you need to do is press a button. I can actually see more satisfaction in playing a game which at least brings you forward and shows you new stuff all the time even though it tells you exactly how to reach those things.

    But thats just how Xsyon is today. It may (hopefully) change later.

  2. #2
    I'm quite sure both my mouse and keyboard are capable of playing Xsyon for me while I sleep or am otherwise occupied.

    I'm also quite sure I won't figure out how to get either of them to do so because it's against the ToS.

    Since I'm following the rules, everyone who doesn't will either be punished for breaking the rules or will have an advantage over me and other rule followers in game. If the latter, I think a lot of people will stop playing, and I might be one of them.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    I'm quite sure both my mouse and keyboard are capable of playing Xsyon for me while I sleep or am otherwise occupied.

    I'm also quite sure I won't figure out how to get either of them to do so because it's against the ToS.

    Since I'm following the rules, everyone who doesn't will either be punished for breaking the rules or will have an advantage over me and other rule followers in game. If the latter, I think a lot of people will stop playing, and I might be one of them.
    Well if you want to be technical, every single activity you engage in while playing Xsyon can be construed as "against the ToS" because of open-ended interpretation-based clauses like "deemed offensive" without a definition of authority.

    Using third party programs to aid in gameplay could also be something as simple as opening up Windows Calculator to measure distances for terraforming.

    Personally, I just play video games. I don't get caught up in all the haughty ToS crap, the senseless pseudo-rules, the obnoxious "meta game." It's all unenforceable, and most of the time is written to give moderation practices a wide range of activities that they can take action against so they're more able to use their personal judgment. I don't like macroing, either. I just hate it less than mindlessly repeating actions that serve no gameplay purpose for me. I prefer a game where macroing is unnecessary, and therefore doesn't exist. Unfortunately, this is a game that needs macros to play... and macroing the game as it is right now is the only way anyone's going to put up with the monotony of its crafting, gathering, and skill grinding. So it's "against the ToS" huh? Big deal. I once hated macroers too, refused to use macros, and regarded it as something that "ruined games." That was back in UO though, and I've wised up a lot since then. I came to realize that you cannot ever kill macros with petty rules and regulations, you have to evolve the game beyond mechanics that necessitate their use. I also believe that UO proved that it's impossible to stop macroing, so we have to move past that childish mentality and start getting down to the fundamentals that are really the issue.

    And, for now, that means getting the game to work. You can build on top of that stable plateau once you've built it.

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