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  1. #1

    Developent Road Map

    I would like to see a development timeline from the devs.

    Understanding that this would all be estimates, this would give us some idea of what priority is being given various goals and objectives.

    The production of a timeline is very typical in any type of project management evolution, and this should not be a big deal.

    Why do I ask this?

    Personally I want a reason to keep playing. I want to be optimistic about the future. Of course if there was a timeline it's definitely a month+ delayed (the whole server stability debacle). But most of us can understand having to push back desired completion dates because of unplanned pain. I want to see that there is a plan to address the various concerns of the community (whether or not we like the 'how' is another subject), and that those concerns have an estimated date attched to them.


  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Stevro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Perth Australia
    I like this Idea , A development Program/Timeline +1

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    Personally I want a reason to keep playing. I want to be optimistic about the future.

    A simple generalized idea of implementations and evolution would really help motivate logging in. Hopefully this thread doesnt get bogged down by hordes of personal interpretations of "jordi said".

  4. #4
    this could be as simple as:

    Mar- stabilize server and performance issues
    Apr- tweak flora and fauna respawn rates. prepare outer zones for mist roll back. begin internal testing of adjusted combat mechanics
    May- add functionality to player housing. add gates and locking mechanisms. introduce new combat mechanics. Balance adjustments as required.
    Jun- tweak combat mechanics. tweak armor and weapon values. introduce new crafting recipes[x, y, z]

    etc. etc.

    I mean there has to be something like this already made...if there isn't...well somebody needs to hire me as a consultant It's hard to get somewhere, if you don't have a plan to get there.

  5. 03-25-2011, 09:46 AM

  6. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Stevro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Perth Australia
    well said, and again +1 from me

  7. #6
    I agree, save for the 'keep loging in part' I haven't even bothered to patch at this point and I don't know if I ever will.

  8. #7
    Completely and utterly agree. Even if it's a vague, rough, and unfinalized timeline; just something to show a general progression. It would keep a lot of people happy, if it was something similar to :

    March 25 - 31 -- Server Stability, hitbox tweaks. Make certain features active, such as decay and adjust animal respawn rates.
    April 1 - 5 -- Land expanded. Deal wth individual zone errors.
    April 6 - 13 -- Time alloted to fix zone errors ( if all goes well ) as well as any previous implimented features ( provided server does not have problems before now ).
    Add in a "move tribe totem" function so tribe does not need to disband and rejoin to move.
    April 14 - 22 -- New Crafts, Zombies, and gates. Also added animal scaling so animals so that "legendary" animals will appear over time.
    April 23 - 30 -- Combat overhaul.

    That kind've timeline would have me practically rocking at the heels for wanting to see the new stuff / performance / things to do in the game. I know that this specific timeline is a little unrealistic, due to needing to check each feature, ensure it isn't causing any performance issues, etc. But still, I wholeheartedly agree with this idea.

  9. #8
    I could agree with a rough map being nice. Although dates, and really any map at all, is just more ammunition for forumwarriors to hold against the devs.

    No matter what they said in a road map, there would be a lot more threads flaming it than supporting it. (ZOMG I can't believe they'd do that first, ZOMG they changed the order they clearly stated in the road map, ZOMG I can't believe they didn't get X done already, etc etc)

    I wouldn't be surprised if they stayed as far from this as possible.

  10. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    I could agree with a rough map being nice. Although dates, and really any map at all, is just more ammunition for forumwarriors to hold against the devs.

    No matter what they said in a road map, there would be a lot more threads flaming it than supporting it. (ZOMG I can't believe they'd do that first, ZOMG they changed the order they clearly stated in the road map, ZOMG I can't believe they didn't get X done already, etc etc)

    I wouldn't be surprised if they stayed as far from this as possible.
    Yeah, it is one of the big downfalls of this. Which just exasperates me that there's people like that in the world, but can't really do anything about it.

  11. #10
    I think it is wonderful that you are trying to be more optimistic, but I also think you are asking for senseless busy work from the devs that may ultimately lead to more frustration.

    Really, it could be said that such a roadmap already exists, in the form of the xsyon home page:

    That is enough for me to be optimistic.

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