Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
Don't give me that "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" bullshit. You know what the jail term is for murder; they don't say "Just don't do it and you won't have to worry about it".

If there is no set policy on what to do when a guide has decided someone is macroing the system is wide open to abuse. Warn a friend, ban an enemy. It needs to be known.
Greetings Community,

In the light of this recent in-game issue, I would very much like to explain a few points.

First off, under no circumstances will we ever tolerate biased behaviour from any member of our Guide Team. And since this has happened by the above shown Guide, this Guide has now been Removed from the Guide Team permanently by me.

Secondly I would like to apologies for this Guides actions, as this is not how we want the community to see us. We are a neutral force in the game and when we enter the game on the Guide Accounts, all the biased, personal feelings towards any player / tribe should always be left at the login screen.

Next I would like to clear up a few issues players have come to me about...

When a player of the community reports potential violations, we do indeed investigate every single report, however we may not always confirm to the reporting player if we are looking into it... But we do investigate almost straight away, so don't worry about that.

We do have set procedures that we follow in Macroing/Botting, however I cannot go into this procedure at this time, as to not give any tactical information out.

Lastly, all Guides are monitored almost constantly to ensure that the way they deal with players and situations is courteous, always remains unbiased and professional.

Again I do want to apologies for this Guides actions, and please rest assured that this type of behavior is not accepted among the Guide Team, and will always be dealt with.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

bolded your answer. Be aware no one has to tell you anything, your 40 bucks only gives you the ability to play..