Last night guides improperly used the kick function. Whether this was intentional or not they inadvertently kicked off several zones worth of players.
The guide who preformed the kick is a new guide and while this could be considered an accident... This guide has also confirmed to other players in game that they are going into the mist and tracking and killing animals for their bones.
I would like to state that a number of times I personally have voiced concerns about the guide system and like before I would like to make clear there are very good guides out there. But the guide removed today is one of the guides who were a part of the problem but is not the guide I am speaking about above.
We need a lead guide or community relations manager who oversees these people.
This person cannot play the game as long as there is one server.
This person needs to have a log of all guide commands used and all trades/movement of resources in the game.
Guides should have set "coverage" times when they are to be on to assist players.
(some guides are abusing their privileges and logging on their guide account to summon/kill players)
Again a player supplied help system is a good thing much like atitd and eq. But there needs to be more checks in place on these people.