This post is for players who are looking for the most out of Xsyons free loot Pvp System. I think it is on us as a community to have a zone for those of us who want to pvp. Currently i search the map and can't find anyone to pvp. I know the current combat system doesn't really make pvp desirable at the moment, but it would help if those of us who wanted to pvp could do it in one zone.
Another idea I had would be if this got popular enough they would change the rules of pvp in our zone. Meaning our homesteads would not be a safe area. One zone for the pvpers to do what we want in. I think this would be simple for the Xsyon team to do and would allow us pvp freedom without disturbing the girl scouts who want to sell cookies to one another. Maybe we could even have one of the new zones that's being added to the map, that way it would not disturb anyone who doesn't want their zone converted to a pvp zone.
Other ideas would be once warring starts all the tribes/homesteads in the pvp zone would agree to stay warred with each other.
I would have no problem at all packing up shop and moving to a new zone. Currently there is nothing else to do in xsyon at the moment so I wouldn't have a problem building a new sand castle.
Please tell me your thoughts, if you agree or disagree that would be great. If you do not like pvp, please don't post anything.