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  1. #1
    Of the 35 friends of mine who bought this game, I think only 3 are even bothering to log in anymore. If that's a litmus test for activity in a broad sense, I think people have just realized there's basically nothing to do in the game. It's essentially a very early beta with no content, and even then most of the stuff doesn't work, there's long server outages, tons of lag, and broken mechanics that make PvP impossible.

    I think the better question is: "Why did you even log in to go look for people?" It's not like you can do anything with them once you find them.

  2. #2
    Of the 6 in our group that got the preorder, I know 3 canceled right after the first failed start. One reactivated his Eve account and likely canceled Xyson and #5 I haven't seen since the that failed start.

    I talked to one of them yesterday and he said the rampid pvp system is part of what drove him away.

    So between our two groups, that's only 4 out of 42? And I'm loosing interest quickly also. Tried to go out looking for some animals last night and where jumped by 4 thinking they need to protect their little jump piles or some stupid thing. Like I'm going to lug their junk across zones when my land is right on the edge of a good sized pile and there are several more right around.

    Wurm has 2 servers, wild and freedom. wild basicly follows the same rules as xyson, you can kill anyone anytime, even kill on their deed if you can take out their guards first. You can drain the token (totem) to disband the deed which cost real money to buy the in game money for the token. Freedom is no pvp. Guess which server is over crowded.

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
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    May 2010
    @vorg Which server is over crowded???

  4. #4
    There are a lot of negative people on these forums. I am not sure why either. The game isn't finished, it's in development. None of that is hidden from you, the devs are honest. They said the pvp system is filler, what else would you like them to do beisedes finish it RIGHT NOW, which while I'm sure they would love to, is impossible. It has to be done as it is being done and can't be done faster than that.

    In Darkfall people have the same complaints, but that is because the devs wont tell us what thier intentions are or give any kind of timeline at all. I can see why those people are upset. But here? The devs said prelude will have safezones and pvp is just a filler until the end, which will be 6 months or more. They have said they intend to have a M&B like combat system, will have bows and arrows eventually, and maybe even magic.

    I find it so strange to see people post 'dis sux, ders no pvp' and when you say 'okay but they intend to fix that while wrapping up prelude, so whats wrong?' and they still answer, 'well ders no pvp and safe zones sux.'

    Not to mention that they are balancing the lag issues which sets them back a bit. They are being honest and transparent. They are posting updates almost daily. All I can say is there are like 5 guys on the forums that are the biggest crybabies I've ever heard from. You act like the devs made up this game just to get you to buy it so they could stare and laugh at you while you get frustrated that you can't have your game RIGHT NOW. Go play frisbee or something. Relax.

    And as for the people that have quit so far, thats just what happens in indi mmos, especially when you tell them how amazing the game is without mentioning that the dev team is tiny, the game isn't finished, pvp is just a filler, etc etc. If you hype it up and it's not finished they will laugh and leave, especially those instant gratification wow kids. Grow up.

  5. #5
    launch failed most left, if the game can recover I have no idea. But with all the macro going on I don't see how.

  6. #6
    There's no doubt that the population has shrunk since the first launch attempt end february. Where the players went is of no concern but why they left might be worth a consideration.

    There's not one reason but a few of them:

    1. The technical problems. Right to the first launch attempt the game ran very well for me, with launch (and the heavier population?) the problems started to crop up. Lag, performance problems, crashes, rollbacks. Combine that with a few less than stellar decisions from the development team. People have given up.

    2. The PK-ers. The game with it's current ruleset is a PK-ers wet dream. The type of PK-er that does not want a good fight but wants to win, no matter how cheasy the win is. The game does not have any alignment penalties, any consequences or any risk for the PK-er. Victims of excessive PK-ing have given up.

    3. The powergamers, many of them coming into the game with pre-made guilds from other games (mostly Darkfall, MO, Shadowbane). Many cheated, macro-ed, multi-boxed their characters to high levels and built there village up in no time. And now they have nothing left to do. Why they came into this game at all is still a mystery to me, anyway, some (many?) of them have given up by now because they're bored.

    Personally, I still enjoy the game, very much even so. Will the developers be able to tackle the mentioned problems? I've no idea, time will tell.

  7. #7
    Well said and agree 100%

    I have wandered the continent and have run across many empty homesteads, I even checked a few of the larger guilds in my area and have noticed reduced numbers, very few guilds are growing and most are stagnant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cunning_Linguist View Post
    There are a lot of negative people on these forums. I am not sure why either. The game isn't finished, it's in development. None of that is hidden from you, the devs are honest. They said the pvp system is filler, what else would you like them to do beisedes finish it RIGHT NOW, which while I'm sure they would love to, is impossible. It has to be done as it is being done and can't be done faster than that.

    In Darkfall people have the same complaints, but that is because the devs wont tell us what thier intentions are or give any kind of timeline at all. I can see why those people are upset. But here? The devs said prelude will have safezones and pvp is just a filler until the end, which will be 6 months or more. They have said they intend to have a M&B like combat system, will have bows and arrows eventually, and maybe even magic.

    I find it so strange to see people post 'dis sux, ders no pvp' and when you say 'okay but they intend to fix that while wrapping up prelude, so whats wrong?' and they still answer, 'well ders no pvp and safe zones sux.'

    Not to mention that they are balancing the lag issues which sets them back a bit. They are being honest and transparent. They are posting updates almost daily. All I can say is there are like 5 guys on the forums that are the biggest crybabies I've ever heard from. You act like the devs made up this game just to get you to buy it so they could stare and laugh at you while you get frustrated that you can't have your game RIGHT NOW. Go play frisbee or something. Relax.

    And as for the people that have quit so far, thats just what happens in indi mmos, especially when you tell them how amazing the game is without mentioning that the dev team is tiny, the game isn't finished, pvp is just a filler, etc etc. If you hype it up and it's not finished they will laugh and leave, especially those instant gratification wow kids. Grow up.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Dade512's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cunning_Linguist View Post
    There are a lot of negative people on these forums. I am not sure why either. The game isn't finished, it's in development. None of that is hidden from you, the devs are honest. They said the pvp system is filler, what else would you like them to do beisedes finish it RIGHT NOW, which while I'm sure they would love to, is impossible. It has to be done as it is being done and can't be done faster than that.

    In Darkfall people have the same complaints, but that is because the devs wont tell us what thier intentions are or give any kind of timeline at all. I can see why those people are upset. But here? The devs said prelude will have safezones and pvp is just a filler until the end, which will be 6 months or more. They have said they intend to have a M&B like combat system, will have bows and arrows eventually, and maybe even magic.

    I find it so strange to see people post 'dis sux, ders no pvp' and when you say 'okay but they intend to fix that while wrapping up prelude, so whats wrong?' and they still answer, 'well ders no pvp and safe zones sux.'

    Not to mention that they are balancing the lag issues which sets them back a bit. They are being honest and transparent. They are posting updates almost daily. All I can say is there are like 5 guys on the forums that are the biggest crybabies I've ever heard from. You act like the devs made up this game just to get you to buy it so they could stare and laugh at you while you get frustrated that you can't have your game RIGHT NOW. Go play frisbee or something. Relax.

    And as for the people that have quit so far, thats just what happens in indi mmos, especially when you tell them how amazing the game is without mentioning that the dev team is tiny, the game isn't finished, pvp is just a filler, etc etc. If you hype it up and it's not finished they will laugh and leave, especially those instant gratification wow kids. Grow up.
    I don't think truer words have been typed regarding the game.

  9. #9
    LOL the team is to lazy to change thier front page. Go to features and look at the freaking features nothing says not in game yet, how is somone supposed to know that if they go to the website and read that, Im sure they update the Order Now button frequently tho lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dade512 View Post
    I don't think truer words have been typed regarding the game.

  10. #10
    You are just Illmaculate's lackey. That dumbass put LOL after mentioning the combat system in his features post. You do know the current combat system is a placeholder right? That's like if I am the contractor building a house, and I offer you to come see it before we finish putting in the tile to see what you'd like (because remember this game is also being developed by the player base with suggestions, if you don't know that you haven't followed long enough or done enough reading, or any reading at all) and instead of visualizing what everything would look like and making your suggestions you say "OH EM GEE, Derz no floor tiles!!!! RAGE!" The contractor will look at you like you are a fucking moron, because you are one.

    The devs have said, posted it up, re-posted it, and even interjected it in forums conversations for morons like you, that half that stuff in the feature list isn't implemented yet as they have to do it in steps. Turn this on, fix bugs, turn next thing on, fix bugs with it and bugs that come up from the two systems working together, not to mention all the exploits the player base uses that have to be squashed. The point is, you aren't a programmer, you don't read well, and you probably haven't played that many MMOs because all of this progression is par for the course. If you don't know that you are either too young, aren't paying attention, or are just flat out stupid as a piece of shit.

    All you are doing is running people away from this unfinished game by whining on the forums. We all want the game to be done, we all like it, but how many times are you going to cry on the forums before you get bitch slapped with reality?

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