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  1. #1

    Talking Fear the mountain men, all your bears belong to us

    Wondering where all the animals are?
    Come on down to Mountain Men's Trading Post.
    We have what you need most. Caged in bear, deer and coons. We got em so you dont have to go looking for em.
    Thats right, a stocked hunting ground for you kind citizens of Xsyon. You may be wondering, "Wow, this sounds exciting, but how do I pay to get access to these exotic and rare animals?" Don't you worry folks, we accept bricks! Send a whisper to our clerk "Dilon" and he will set you up with an appointment to meet your new prey (bears, deers and coons)

    Here is a picture of our main tracker, Durin, with a a very satisfied client of ours.

    Don't forget to bring a knife!

  2. #2
    Is it just me or does that bear have dreadlocks?

  3. #3
    I think it is the tree shadow but it sure looks like dreadlocks - it also looks kinda like the bear is smiling lol

  4. #4

  5. #5
    The post apocolype's first Trophy Critter Ranch...very nicely done, guys!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Chibi View Post
    Come on down to Mountain Men's Trading Post.
    Coordinates please.

  7. #7
    This is the kind of thing people need to do. Things like this are always fun to do.

    Good job on a well thought idea.

  8. #8
    If you're going to raise an old meme from the dead like that the least you could do is use it properly.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandali View Post
    Coordinates please.
    this ^^^^^^^^^^^^

  10. #10
    Selling Nacre...oh wait wrong game.

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