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Thread: New to game

  1. #1

    New to game

    Looking to join a tribe friendly to noobs.

  2. #2
    PM sent, check your mail.

  3. #3
    PM you buddy ^^ , check your mail

  4. #4
    Pm sent, check your mail.

  5. #5
    check us out we always help new players, we also been around as a guild since 99, we have many players who been in beta since near day 1, so people know what they are doing always willing to help, we also get new players from other games we play.

    Pm me if you wanna chat. or check out our forum, to get access you need to register.

  6. #6
    Hopi ( has a lot of pre-Prelude Xsyon veterans who are friendly and willing to teach new players about anything Xsyon related, from crafting to PvP.

    We're good-aligned and one of the largest tribes in the game. If you're looking for a thriving community, check us out. Good luck out there.

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