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  1. #31
    I'd say that the devs know what the game needs. The thing is exactly as has been said.... no one blindfolded or tricked anyone into buying the game. All of what it is is right at everyone's fingertips. When I saw Prelude is 6+ months, I tried my hardest to figure out what prelude actually meant before buying. To me it just means the game will be finishing most of the initial not-so-existent content by 6+ months. It's kind of like playing an RTS and everyone's like "No-Rush! Building phase is XX months long" except the game isn't going to end.

    @Someone else...forget the name...
    Of course no one is going to say "I disagree with all of your points" to Xsuman. The game still needs a lot of things (maybe not really a lot, but some key things) to jump it up a few notches.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Dade512 View Post
    sal, your arguments are kinda poor besides the fact combat might need work.
    OK, on what grounds are my arguments "kinda poor"? Elaborate? I mean, I've already had this conversation in at least 10 other threads, but why not here? Elaborate for me, and lets make it an open minded debate instead of a blind argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dade512 View Post
    Safe zones aren't an excuse for no pvp when there is plenty of space outside someone land.
    ...that nobody really has a need to go to. No animals. No real combat system or warfare. No way to enforce consequences besides naked monkey fighting. No loot due to permission baskets. Im sure about ALL totems are placed on or as close to junk piles as necessary. If not, go homestead one. If you are leaving your safe zone by your own accord, you are simply doing it wrong. Everything is provided right inside of one's own safezone, or can be created a safe zone as necessary.

    At this point, its more than just an exploit. Its a crutch that the majority of the community is relying on simply to get skills higher (via macro or real-time button spamming) and horde wealth/resources. Of course, there are hurt feelings from someone pk'ing you as well, which seems to stem from the part of playerbase that has simply NEVER pvp'd before, or NEVER WON at pvp before....but thats ok, everyone is needed in THIS game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dade512 View Post
    And not reporting suspected macroers because you feel nothing will be done is just lazy, at the very least you tried. I know, tho, it's hard to type out a few letters on your keyboard.
    Thats fine, call me lazy. But, like in my previous paragraph, I have highlighted why nobody (me/you included) really has a reason to leave one's safe zone TO EVEN LOOK FOR someone thats macroing. Ill just abuse the safe zone just like everyone else!

    TBH, id prefer everyone to have a maxed out charater anyway...they might actually leave the totem and look for action...AKA COMBAT.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dade512 View Post
    Xsuman, really maybe before buying you should have seen what was active in the game NOW and checked into the state of the game so you would have known what you were buying. Tons of info on the forums so you could have been informed and not gotten into something you aren't happy with. It's hard to feel sympathy for you when so much info from people in game was available to read and decide if you still wanted to play.
    Bad thing about this is we are going to see much more of it. People are being "sold" with specific selling points that attract different niche crowds and then not delivered to due to the current "paid beta" model that so many other mmo's have already abused. It wont take long at all and people will simply quit buying this, and as we are currently seeing, the majority of current subscribers are hemhoraging out of the game. Pretty counter-productive if you ask me.

    I dont think its HIS fault for not doing enough research, but i suppose we can all just put all the blame in his lap and just HOPE this game survives for awhile.../sarcasm

    Quote Originally Posted by Dade512 View Post
    PvP for example, he stated a while back that combat was going to be getting reworked.
    Yup, over a month ago, and stated "as soon as he gets comfortable with the code..." yet we've seen NOTHING supporting any evidence of this. Again, maybe they can do something productive besides the community saying "check back in a few months, this stagnation period was PLANNED (lol)" or, even worse "good riddance, this isnt the playerbase for you" or equivalent statement. Counterproductive imo.

  3. #33
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
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    May 2010
    @Salvadore +5

    Well said!

  4. #34
    I knew everything that was wrong, or that would be potentially wrong when I bought it, and if you would have spent some time on the forums you would have known it too. There is no such thing and will every be a fully complete MMO on launch or until it gets shut down. You have to have balance you can't just say fix pvp without making sure you have working gates on your sand castle. You can't have seiges without tribal war components or possibly religion (and archery!!). All in good time, how much time I'm willing to give before I see progress, I haven't determined that yet myself but we all have our limits.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by boomer0901 View Post
    I knew everything that was wrong, or that would be potentially wrong when I bought it, and if you would have spent some time on the forums you would have known it too. There is no such thing and will every be a fully complete MMO on launch or until it gets shut down. You have to have balance you can't just say fix pvp without making sure you have working gates on your sand castle. You can't have seiges without tribal war components or possibly religion (and archery!!). All in good time, how much time I'm willing to give before I see progress, I haven't determined that yet myself but we all have our limits.
    Great points, but they dont seem to be addressing the things that need addressed in order to remedy any of the current problems.

    EG "expanding green mist" isnt even an issue that seems related to ANYTHING worthwhile in this game, but ignoring addressing pretty much everything you posted (balance, pvp, gates, seiges, tribal war, religion, archery) isnt seems counterproductive to keeping the game alive.

    *Sure they are addressing the lag portions of the game, but then again, they should ALWAYS be doing that.

    **Who in their right mind would PAY 15/month for the idea of "potential" rather than the visible proof of improvement? If you say youd buy for the "potential", then ive got something to sell ya!

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by xsuman80 View Post
    - it again the last free week and see the improvements.

    Ah and about free weeks.
    Look at my subscribtion info:

    Monthly Subscription
    03/17/2011 04/17/2011

    So where you see free weeks? it 1 month. And 20 day after I cant play game if I dont pay it. So for me it is was LIE and about play time.
    PS - I already add this to support and yet it not been fixed. So for ME I buy ONLY month of play. Exelent! I like be special...
    Yeah, I wouldn't even expect the free time. I'm sure they could really use the money right now to help development costs. I've actually considered subbing a second account to let my friends try the game, and give them a little more $$$ to help keep this game better.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    EG "expanding green mist" isnt even an issue that seems related to ANYTHING worthwhile in this game, but ignoring addressing pretty much everything you posted (balance, pvp, gates, seiges, tribal war, religion, archery) isnt seems counterproductive to keeping the game alive.
    Nah... I think expanding the green mist has many advantages.

    The number one is that there will be more room for animals to grow. This means that closer to towns where animals are probably killed often (whenever they turn them on completely that is) will be fairly weak. Further away from the cluster of humanity I think the animals will be considerably more powerful by killing off other animals. Possibly even godly. Hopefully they have godly resources (Godly black bear round bone) in the future.

    Secondly if they raise the mist they could easily make an area have obsidian or something and it can be "owned" by a tribe of zombies (thus you can't place a tribe and claim it). Then you will have PvPvEvCrafting all in one at that crazy area. That alone could be quite fun.......even with the current combat (but not with the current possible lag or fps problems others have). Spawn? If a player dies there that should equal 1 more zombie?

    Thirdly, there's more exploration availiable.

    If you want creatures or areas with more/rare resources and reasons to pvp, expanding the mist can give you this... and I expect creatures are one of the main reasons they want to expand the mist. It's not for the luls.

    Then add in the fact that expanding the mist is being done by the artists (moreso) and almost everything else you mentioned requires coding, but the coders are currently working on game stability and possibly combat as well. Speaking about that coder. I have no clue what kind of "evidence" you're talking about. Them saying they have a guy who will be working on combat is telling you combat is one of the many priorities.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    The number one is that there will be more room for animals to grow. This means that closer to towns where animals are probably killed often (whenever they turn them on completely that is) will be fairly weak. Further away from the cluster of humanity I think the animals will be considerably more powerful by killing off other animals. Possibly even godly. Hopefully they have godly resources (Godly black bear round bone) in the future.
    I thought they were having the problem of animals massing toward the green mist and it killing them? If so, expanding the map to make the green mist farther from the border is simply going to make them travel another zone or 2 before being killed by the same mist.

    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    Secondly if they raise the mist they could easily make an area have obsidian or something and it can be "owned" by a tribe of zombies (thus you can't place a tribe and claim it). Then you will have PvPvEvCrafting all in one at that crazy area. That alone could be quite fun.......even with the current combat (but not with the current possible lag or fps problems others have). Spawn? If a player dies there that should equal 1 more zombie?
    Of course they "COULD" add content...with coding, and balancing, and various other stuff. As great as this sounds (i likes) we both know thats quite a far ways off still. They can't even seem to get the 4 animals they have programmed into the game to work after all this time, so I doubt any of this is even logical in the near future.

    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    Thirdly, there's more exploration availiable.
    Again, this basically means nothing due to all stated above. Just more space causing more lag that does nothing besides lets people spread out more. I doubt we are having population issues judging by the amount of people that are /quitting en masse.

    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    If you want creatures or areas with more/rare resources and reasons to pvp, expanding the mist can give you this... and I expect creatures are one of the main reasons they want to expand the mist. It's not for the luls.

    Then add in the fact that expanding the mist is being done by the artists (moreso) and almost everything else you mentioned requires coding, but the coders are currently working on game stability and possibly combat as well. Speaking about that coder. I have no clue what kind of "evidence" you're talking about. Them saying they have a guy who will be working on combat is telling you combat is one of the many priorities.
    They can literally add a million possible crafted items in this game; it would still be pointless without a legitimate use for said items. It doesnt matter if you can make over 50 weapons, 200 types of armor, and even entire cities whenever they have no point whatsoever besides looks and screenshots.

    The "evidence" I speak of:

    *Like the ideas presented about pve->resources, but still quite a way off...and pointless if combat isnt addressed. People will obviously have to fight over zones, and with mobs, but not balanced simply means no fun.

  9. #39
    PVP needs more than "a little" work. The pvp is quite shit in the game. Most horrid sorry excuse for pvp I have seen in my life. I love fps skill based pvp. But running in circles hoping to hit, hit boxes that don't make sense. Or weapons like axes not having an actual weapon arc, the axe or club a weapon that you swing hits like you are thrusting it at someone.

    I have tested all the weapons and none of them have an arc, they all hit like they are thrusting.

    And the zone to zone lag is worse than loading up for an instance. Whose Idea was it to put all these meaningless zone boundaries?? Is there 20k people playing the game?? If I move through zones at a quick pace it seems I build up lag and a high fps.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    I thought they were having the problem of animals massing toward the green mist and it killing them? If so, expanding the map to make the green mist farther from the border is simply going to make them travel another zone or 2 before being killed by the same mist.
    No, the problem is that the animals don't like crowded areas thats why they roam away.

    The main issues are crowding of the Tahoe basin and driving creatures away from the starting zones too quickly.

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