So. Sorry for my bad English. I really mad - becouse after week of play is nothing to do in this game.
This is my thread why this game is fail.
1. No pvp - now it WORST pvp system in ALL games.
2. No real craft. Craft now is grind boring actions. When you choose basket craft as main craft you gain BEST advantage in craft system. Why? Becouse only in this way you can craft baskets. In all other craft you can maxed it and get all sets just grind scrap land. And NO ONE BASKET RECIEPE DROP.
3. Terraforming
a) 1 lvl and 99 lvl - NO DIFFERENCE.
b) grind exp fo free using macro (just stand and use build road or clear land).
c) cant do anything whith rock area - and you cant know about it BEFORE you place totem and start terraforming.
d) exploit of noending dust standing in 1 point (I describe this to dev team in support section and dont tell who dont know it yet).
4. Camera - WORST CAMERA. All modes are bad. And some visual bugs when using first person view.
5. Control - this whole thread about it - look at it - whith most I agree.
6. Safe zones broke whole section of gameplay - you can be killed in anymoment and you dont be informed about entered to someones land - only when scavenging on it or try doing something same. It pvp exploit - when tribes get big area and kill any who enter to this land WHITHOUT any chance to kill attackers.
7. No mobs - animal SO sparadic, so wheak, their animation, pathfinding and AI bad as shit.
8. No real exploration - small area have same types - only water (lake or river), grassland, mountain (boulder), scrap lands and forests. If you seen it in 1 place - you dont get new in another.
9. MAIN - NO CONTENT. There nothing to do - only build sand castle, grind boring craft (where 50 types of it????), do worst pvp ever.
10. No real economic - only basketseller get advantage. Other craft useless (maybe some tools for new comers - but system when you gain all in craft just grinding).
11. No conquest. If someone build totem and dont play - you cant use this land (see many empty scrap field in mountain - that you cant use - and owner dont play (I`m sure whith it).
12. Fishing boring. And in another crafts - no minigames - and it boring. We not all korean - so we dont like grind this method.
13. Performance problems (some area laggy after 2 weeks of release), fps drop and lagspike when change area.
14. STUPIDEST sector square system. They so lazy to name it - and only give numbers. I`m not an army man and I dont want orientiried in word remember tons of numbers. I want normal names for areas.
15. Not working eat-drink system.
16. Tons of bugs, dozens of exploits, crashes, lags.

SO plz return all money to your subscribers. Made game really intresting and AFTER THIS RELEASE!
Prelude system is horrible.
It only work when you have good basic contant for ALL players - not only for low-lifer grinder korean type players. And when you add something new every day.
I love this game whole week and HATE it now. And I`m one of half you buyers of Xsyon.