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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Larsa View Post
    Would be nice if you would also tell the OP what to do in place of only to say to do "something". And no, killing the offender is not something that helps, he will just be back 5 minutes later - or when you're not online.
    kill the offender.
    then take your friends to his house.
    cut down all his trees.
    Plant a homstead on his border and start digging
    kill him every time he walks out of his house.

    i mean jeeze...send one of yours to the hospital send to of theirs to the morgue.

    i'm sorry, but at some point you have to stick up for yourself..whether that means knowing your neighbors to help fight against interlopers, huddling up to someone bigger and stronger that will benevolently protect you, hiring some mercs, or just summoning up the intestinal fortitude to go carve someone up yourself.

  2. #2
    Those who say they should have protected the trees clearly need to learn to read. The first line:
    So my tribe mate told that some dbag went around our area (about 7-8 clans around us) and killed everyone outside their safe zones
    Crafters are not generally set up for combat. points are put into areas needed more for crafting. So unless they can get a group to outnumber the attackers by several, they don't have a chance.

  3. #3
    We had a douche team named Huck and Bluesands pave over all the Junkpiles in zones 780-781

    Whether it is greifing or not I won't debate; what I will say is that if new players (like in 780 round hill) do not have access to the basic building blokcs of play they will be turned off and leave.
    Also a lot of older players may leave if they can no longer enjoy the game.

    Sucks that there isn't meaningful PvP but don't ruin our playstyle because your playstyle is shit
    Hopefully PVPers will have something to do besides being asses in the near future...

  4. #4
    Biggest problem AND avantage of online gaming is the lack of consequences or ways to fight back at someone. Cant tell ya how many times I wanted to beat the living shit out of some people I saw in MMORPGs.

    At the moment since tribal warfare is not on there isnt much you can do to exact revenge on people being dickheads. Also pvp being in its current sorry state; fighting griefers back in pvp is kinda pointless as they can run around naked with specials weapons forever and ever, and ever. But once they change this the griefing will become much more harder for them and they will most likely leave you guys alone.

    On another note, I agree that you should'nt be able to "attack" or "cause damage" to other players when they are offline. So they should be way for you to protect your land and resources even when offline.

  5. #5
    Answer is simple go find out what tribe he's in or what area he lives in and do the same.
    If you don't know what area he lives in just start doin it everywhere til there are no trees left on the map.(then maybe with enough people without trees n bitchin maybe the devs will look at it)

    Scorched earth is not a tactic unless your at war and you do it to your own area leaving nothing for the enemy if they get your land. to do scorched earth on a clan you want to stay in the area to pvp with, or to land you want to take is just stupid tactics as your taking resources from yourself.To do it just because you can, your probably dealing with a weakling irl so they come into a game reverse the roles to be the bully and feel like a man.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by silverhaze View Post
    Answer is simple go find out what tribe he's in or what area he lives in and do the same.
    If you don't know what area he lives in just start doin it everywhere til there are no trees left on the map.(then maybe with enough people without trees n bitchin maybe the devs will look at it)

    Scorched earth is not a tactic unless your at war and you do it to your own area leaving nothing for the enemy if they get your land. to do scorched earth on a clan you want to stay in the area to pvp with, or to land you want to take is just stupid tactics as your taking resources from yourself.To do it just because you can, your probably dealing with a weakling irl so they come into a game reverse the roles to be the bully and feel like a man.
    Only problem with that ar many of these players are rerolling on alternate accounts; So if they set thier alt near your town and pave your junkpiles or stump your trees doing the same back to them would actually assist them in destroying more resources nearby

    Lack of resources will destroy the game; especially for new players.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BassZ1890 View Post
    So my tribe mate told that some dbag went around our area (about 7-8 clans around us) and killed everyone outside their safe zones and then proceeded to cut down every tree, destroy every log, and remove every stump in our area! The place is now completely barren. I asked what his name was but no one got a good look :/ The most info I got was that his name started with Xyc and was really really long.

    Anyway most of our neighbors are thinking about quitting :/ along with some of my tribe mates... Its not the ganking that's gay its the mutilation of land that's getting bad. I love the ability to fight anyone anywhere! But going into peoples land and destroying all their trees in the entire area is just sickening!

    This game has so much potential but there are so many dbags just going around sabotaging people. And in turn its pushing people away from the game. The game already feels barren from all the people who left due to the lag in the first week. I love this game and im still going to tough it out but I really do not want this game to die because of greifers...

    I have to agree with you. I thought this was a game about building and creating, turns out it's a griefers paradise. Outside my tiny plot if I try to go get any resources I am just a walking target. I can't explore without being chased. It's not the least bit fun.

    I'm going to uninstall the game actually. If they ever come out with a PvE world that's actually about building - I'll be back and be a long term player. As the game is it's just not fun for me at all.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BassZ1890 View Post
    So my tribe mate told that some dbag went around our area (about 7-8 clans around us) and killed everyone outside their safe zones and then proceeded to cut down every tree, destroy every log, and remove every stump in our area! The place is now completely barren. I asked what his name was but no one got a good look :/ The most info I got was that his name started with Xyc and was really really long.

    Anyway most of our neighbors are thinking about quitting :/ along with some of my tribe mates... Its not the ganking that's gay its the mutilation of land that's getting bad. I love the ability to fight anyone anywhere! But going into peoples land and destroying all their trees in the entire area is just sickening!

    This game has so much potential but there are so many dbags just going around sabotaging people. And in turn its pushing people away from the game. The game already feels barren from all the people who left due to the lag in the first week. I love this game and im still going to tough it out but I really do not want this game to die because of greifers...
    I know playing a game with real people and real conflict can be hard. Especially when you've never had to deal with anyone or anything difficult in real life.

    I think instead of changing this game to suit you, however, you should try playing this instead. Might be a little easier to handle

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ColonelTEE3 View Post
    I know playing a game with real people and real conflict can be hard. Especially when you've never had to deal with anyone or anything difficult in real life.

    I think instead of changing this game to suit you, however, you should try playing this instead. Might be a little easier to handle
    Keep being a smart-arse Colonel. When everyone leaves cause they are sick of dealing with immature griefers then who will you be able to PVP? Also thats a pretty good game.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by darkbladed View Post
    Keep being a smart-arse Colonel. When everyone leaves cause they are sick of dealing with immature griefers then who will you be able to PVP?
    Exactly. Thats why all of the open PvP games are empty. The griefers kill the game for themselves. I hope Jordi will take some measures soon, like the promised alignment penalties. Or split the server for 2 zones...please !!

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