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  1. #1

    Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting (Good)

    Currently Recruiting Good People for Good Times

    Click here to visit the DHV website

    DHV is not currently recruiting for Xsyon, but we welcome all new members in general.

    Are you looking for a tribe of fun, relaxed, good people to hang out with while building an epic town to call our home? Then Dark Hand of Valor is for you. DHV is a multi-gaming guild that was founded on the idea that gaming should be fun, not work.

    We want people to play the game their way, be it jumping right in on the front lines and defending our town and destroying the enemy in PvP, or wandering around hunting, gathering resources and exploring. Or perhaps you would prefer to dedicate your time to arming our warriors with a crafting group, or working to help us build a mighty town.

    We welcome all types of players and plan for our guild to fully enjoy all aspects of Xsyon. We have room for both hard core players with lots of time to devote to the game as well as those with busy outside the game lives that just want to hang out and relax for a few hours a week.

    Respect, Loyalty and Maturity

    DHV maintains an active and lively website, forums and TeamSpeak (voice chat). Our members are laid back, helpful, and know how to conduct themselves in a mature manner. We know how to have a good time while still treating others with respect, including those not within DHV. We’re good people who are always looking for more good people to have fun with. Come join the fun as we establish a leading guild and make our mark in the Xsyon world.

    About DHV

    First and foremost, DHV members do not grief other players, cheat, exploit or disrespect those that treat them with respect, in game, on forums or anywhere where they are wearing a DHV tag.

    DHV is a multi-gaming guild, focused on providing our membership with the highest quality leadership and experiences within the guild. We strive to keep from being a militaristic type of guild, but at the same time we understand and embrace the structure that is required to effectively manage and maintain a guild. Our highly qualified leadership has many years of experience – both as both players and as leaders of various games and guilds.

    [From our Founder] - Dark Hand of Valor was created to fill the void I encountered while searching for a guild that had that perfect fit. Not to say that there aren’t some good guilds out there, there are, however, they just did not have everything I was looking for. On one end of the spectrum, you have your hard core ganking/griefing guilds and on the other, the ones that seem afraid to get in a good fight. As neither of those fit my gaming style, I decided to start my own guild, “Dark Hand of Valor.”

    Doesn't "Dark Hand" contradict "Valor"? Not at all. It means we keep our actions honorable and for the greater good. It also means we will hunt down and kill someone that is causing us, or others problems. It means we will fight as we must and we will do so with pride as we know that our actions make for a better life for us and those who hold our same values. So, while we stand for valor, we are also not afraid to use every tactic in our arsenal to defend what we feel is right. If you're an old D&D player, DHV's alignment would best be described as Chaotic Good. We're a bunch of good and loyal people as long as you treat us well; treat us poorly and we'll quickly become a force to be reckoned with.


    We would like to maintain a mature atmosphere, so a minimum age of eighteen is required. In addition, DHV members should be well spoken, in control of themselves and be able to keep real life drama out of the game. This isn't high school, we're here to relax and enjoy our gaming time, it is that simple. We also want members with the ability to self regulate their actions even if there aren't others observing them and furthermore, require that they are able to keep their cool when grouped with members in game.

    We also encourage applications from couples, women and older adults. The respectful atmosphere fostered at DHV is one where members can be comfortable being themselves.

  2. #2

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Hello DHoV

    lol cats from ERA if you remember me! GL in Xsyon

  3. #3

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Hello again Silifaira! You guys seem to be in every game I want to play, and I get involved with you somehow. Last situation was being in one clan that was enemies with you and another that was allied with you :P

  4. #4

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Hiya Nezabyte!! Yep...just can't keep us away!

    You are a big reason we were able to get off the ground way back when.

  5. #5

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    You guys coming to this game to? lol..

  6. #6

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Silifaira wrote:
    Hiya Nezabyte!! Yep...just can't keep us away!

    You are a big reason we were able to get off the ground way back when.
    Oh, shucks :blush: Well, good to see you again, and I wish you all the best in this game! Perhaps we could sort out an alliance of some sort Check us out in our recruit thread. And if you get interested, our ambassador, Sisler, can get in touch with ya.

  7. #7

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Welcome aboard!

  8. #8

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Welcome and good luck. I like the name. Kind of an oxymoron. A good tribe called the Dark Hand

  9. #9

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Welcome ! Very nice tribe description, I wish you the best of luck

  10. #10

    Re:Dark Hand of Valor Recruiting

    Ivan Streptovsky wrote:
    Welcome and good luck. I like the name. Kind of an oxymoron. A good tribe called the Dark Hand
    Thanks, hehe, that was kinda the point.

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