has anyone been able to test high quality armor's effectiveness against PO weapons?

At lower qualities (poor and below), the damage mitigation achieved was not worth the hit you took to agility.

At higher quality levels, does armor:
a) protect better? anybody test this? metrics?
b) weigh less? the major detractor to wearing anything is it slows you down
c) provide additional protection versus certain weapon types?

It's easy to lump this conversation in with the PO weapon discussion, but it's really a seperate discussion...and it is equally important to crafters and killers alike.

Currently armor crafting is pointless, except for vanity. The level of damage mitigation which it provides does not offset the levels of damage being brought against it to a level high enough to justify the loss of mobility, or putting in the time/energy to acquire pieces. To illustrate.

naked: I die in 3-4 hits from a po axe.
full suit of bone armor (poor quality): I die in 6-8 hits

naked: extremely mobile no 'overhead' (unlootable weapon, no armor)
Full suit of bone armor: noticeable more encumbered than naked, noticeably slower, significant overhead cost.

pvp comparison- 2 players of equal skill: naked guy wins most of the time. Speed kills. You can't hit what you can't catch. Naked guy can engage and disengage at will. Armored toon only wins if he gets a lucky couple hits, or naked guy gets careless and commits for too long.

Anyway, before proposing 'fixes' (reducing weight, increasing damage redux), thought i'd see if anyone had data on high level gear's effectiveness.